Ann Dolan, Practice Leader, IQVIA Healthcare Solutions
Dec 10, 2020

article on Healthcare Dive,我写了有关差距和风险的文章,这些差距和风险可能会阻碍远程医疗的更广泛,更有效的利用,尤其是自COVID-19-19大流行出现以来。在这篇文章中,我将探索使用数据和技术解决方案来帮助缩小这些差距并有效地实现虚拟护理的机会。

If you’ve had a clinical encounter in the past few years, you know that healthcare practices are using more technology than ever. In fact, these days, your provider may type on her laptop or tap on his tablet while interacting with you – even during an in-person office visit.

寻找使用数据和技术的新方法不仅仅是促进更安全,更有效的远程访问。这也是要获得对患者的临床和社会信息的知名度,从而将患者的参与远远超出了访问的范围,从而实现了更自信的诊断和治疗决策,并最终 - 支持更好的结果。

Those are important goals no matter how a visit is conducted – and new approaches to data and technology will be critical enablers.

Let’s consider some of the powerful ways data and technology can reshape patient care and population health management.

  • 患有慢性健康状况的患者在手腕上戴着连接的装置。必威手机APP可穿戴设备监视她的脉搏和活动水平。它捕获了数据并自动与她的初级保健医生共享。当患者远程或办公室探视她的医生时,PCP可以调用数据。多亏了机器学习提供支持的高级分析,医生可以访问比原始数据更多。例如,他可能还会收到有关患者心律的令人震惊的趋势的警报,并提出了后续问题和可能订购测试的建议。
  • Another patient lives in a rural area and does not always have access to transportation to appointments with his cardiologist. Telemedicine visits have dramatically improved his access not only to cardiac care but also to other specialties. The availability of connected cardiac monitors has enabled this rural patient to perform routine tests on his own. The medical devices transmit data to his cardiologist, providing the detailed insights needed to confidently make medication adjustments.
  • A psychiatrist is extremely busy treating patients in an area with high demand for behavioral health services but low supply of professionals. By using data and technology to automate many of her clinical and operational workflows, the psychiatrist has been able to delegate much of the upfront triage work to nurses and other physician extenders. She is now able to meet the needs of more patients while practicing at the top of her license.

Technologies to bring these scenarios to life are here today. By combining connected smart medical devices and patient wearables, performing remote monitoring, and putting artificial intelligence to work, we can deliver virtual care that delivers real results for patients and providers.

To learn more about the art of the possible, I encourage you to download our new eBook,Telehealth transformation: Moving from crisis response to population health solutions. When you’re ready to explore the opportunities available to your organization, please get in touch.

Telehealth transformation: Moving from crisis response to population health solutions
