Technology Solutions

希腊的IQVIA Technology提供了广泛的服务和产品,可帮助您提高性能,市场理解和运营。
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  • OneKey Core Database- Onekey数据库以100%符合当地法律的方式提供了HCP和HCO的详细分析信息。
  • OneKey Market Access- 获得OneKey Market访问提供了所有组织和任何关键决策的组织和利益相关者的其他组织和利益相关者的其他组织和利益相关者的额外分析信息(产品阶段,地理级别,域名,利益相关者类型,治疗领域),为客户提供了一个客户。,沿着药物生命周期。
  • Onekey数字- Profiling information of HCPs based on their digital footprint
  • OneKey Web身份验证- Use of IQVIA's OneKey database to authorize access in websites or services. Service includes cleansing client’s historical data, removing duplicates, identifying data errors and normalizing records, all performed by cross referencing the existing client’s database with the IQVIA OneKey database.


奥斯- 精心策划的客户参与度(OCE)在一个集成的客户参与平台中统一CRM,MCM,MKTG和销售,以前是单个孤岛。OCE结合了微观智能(提供关键建议和建议),以人为本且友好的用户界面与主要的集成平台,以最佳的平台之间的连接。

远程细节(Kadridge) - Kadridge iDetailing is a remote detailing platform (web application) built for Pharma to support best possible engagement with HCPs. Kadridge is available integrated into SFA/CRM systems or as a stand alone web application on any device or iOS application for remote interactions with or between clients. Use Kadridge to optimize your organization and territory management plan by supplementing with remote e-detailing capabilities to boost sales and marketing efficacy.

Performance Management

  • CRM分析- Obtain advanced CRM analytics based on detailed reports according to PharmaCo's custom POA, KPIs, targets, needs and activity. Deliverable reports can incorporate a breakdown of Line/Manager activity, REP performance, smart visualizations with territorial calls on map and calls evolution over time.
  • 数据管理与洞察服务betway必威怎么提款- Use of all types of data management technologies and business intelligence to provide user-friendly automated solutions that can help PharmaCos improve their market overview, territorial performance and promotional strategy. BI analytics are faster, minimize repetitive analysis, eliminate human errors occurring in excel formulas and offer direct access to data from managers without the mediation of an analyst.
  • 市场绩效和销售领域分析- IQVIA provides current market information and analysis combined with descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics. Delivery of market, product, territory overview dashboards to groups of users aiming to reveal opps, threats and current performance. Deliverables include market/territorial competition dynamics, monthly, quarterly or yearly market trends, Gx/Rx dynamics, BU/Product growth vs market, market analysis per corporation, product, KPIs (market share, units, values, growth) for MTH, QTD, YTD, MAT, CTD for all competitive products.
  • 品牌P&L分析- IQVIA根据所有相关的P&L系列(数量,收入,回扣,折扣,折扣,净收入,费用,运营收入等)设计一种自动品牌和公司损益表解决方案。来自不同来源的所有数据都是结构化的,并结合了开发绩效和管理会计数据模型的目的代表,国家,地区,砖等)。自动化流程可快速简便地更新并访问报告。
  • Customer Affinity Analytics- Measure and monitor PharmaCo-HCP engagement and HCP population movement between different behavioral affinity segments, on a web based application.


商业数据仓库- 集成和汇总IQVIA专有数据,内部数据,第三方数据以及外部和/或公共信息数据,以获得可信赖,适应性和可访问的见解,以支持商业活动。betway必威怎么提款高性能解决方案,有助于协调数据源,然后将其转换为有用的信息。

Social Media Analytics- 在所有渠道(医疗网站,论坛,博客,新闻网站,社交媒体)上,在希腊网络上监视药物讨论。比较讨论,搜索,提及,帖子,特定产品,公司的文章,并深入研究客户热门话题,优点和缺点以及产品开关。

Compliance Solutions

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