临床分析副主任伊丽莎白·马歇尔(Elizabeth Marshall)

People often ask me why, as a physician, I chose Healthcare Informatics as a career choice. After all, I certainly wasn’t lacking a good bedside manner, I can even make the most devote of grumpy individuals smile. In all honesty, I think it goes back to my years in the military and observing the amount of data that is generated daily, then making similar observations at the hospital. In healthcare, data is a bit different because its impact has the potential of being helpful worldwide. Real World Data (clinical trials, case histories, research papers, etc.) has answers hidden within that could help with debilitating and sometimes rare diseases. To不是利用可用信息并找到答案,几乎感觉像是对医学道德行为的犯罪和诸如Hippocratic Oath本身。如果我们不释放这样的信息宝库,我们怎么能说我们正在尽力而为地对待疾病?在由EMR生成的数据之前,我们当然无法访问我们可能需要找到答案的队列大小。但是现在……我们的借口是什么?如果无法在保留患者的隐私甚至处理多种语言的同时将数据捕获和转换为有意义的事物……那么,我们有答案。

Keep Patient Information Confidential

最大和合法的关注之一是维护privacy of patient information。There is an enormous amount of harm that could be incurred with these semi-regular data breaches. In 2015, one institution had an IT incident that breached the data ofclose to 79 million。显而易见的是,将数据从EMR中移出时,删除标识符,但要保持数据的完整性(如果可能)是有利的。GDPR和HIPAA标准的统计匿名是数据转换过程中的关键步骤。


您只能在收集所有相关事实并将数据归一化之后共享真正的见解。例如,有人声称电子健康记录(EHR)使结构化数据易于分析...但是有吗?必威手机APP如果您查找常见的诊断,例如“糖尿病”,您会发现有有关如何正确编码此诊断的指南。每个人确实都有意见,因此有必要正常化。但这只是结构化数据。非结构化数据占EMR的近80%。我可以告诉你,作为一名医生,如果我认为结构化数据足以讲述整个病人的故事,但我不会在病人注意到的叙述中浪费我的宝贵时间,但是不幸的是,事实并非如此。因此,一旦您捕获了重要的非结构化信息自然语言处理(NLP)along with key concepts like “ejection fraction” and “health inequities”, what next?

  1. Take the raw data from the disparate sources and formats
  2. Automate the curation
  3. 标准化并标准化wholedata set, both structured and unstructured


Use knowledge of medicine to help patients at scale via Common Data Model (CDM)

标准化数据本身不会打开数据的全部潜力。为了释放医疗机构在研究方面合作的可能性,创建了观察性医疗结果必威手机APP伙伴关系(OMOP)共同数据模型合作伙伴关系。OMOP公共数据模型是基于共享个人医疗机构的数据源的合作伙伴关系。必威手机APP这是OpenSource Group观察健康数据科学和信息学(OHDSI)的努力,允许共享常见的术语,词汇和编必威手机APP码方案,以大规模找到答案。该网络代表来自30个国家 /地区的研究人员和全球约6亿独特患者的健康记录。必威手机APP现在有工具可以帮助自动化OMOP转换过程This is where在我们一起工作并完成了以前的步骤之后,可以找到信息。这就是方法we can find answers and transform healthcare as we know it today.

We cannot and should not go back and withhold ourselves to the original Hippocratic Oath itself or even those antiquated paper medical charts. After all, a lot has changed since 400 BC Greece and some of the advice in this antiquated oath is highly controversial but the original purpose of it should remain today. Withhold yourself to the highest moral conduct, share the knowledge and protect the patients and how do we do that today in this modern world?Throughhealthcare data transformation

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