But their extraordinary impact has also crowded the research environment with more trials than there may be patients to serve. As the PD-1/PD-L1 treatment modality continues to play a major role in IO, it is drawing a flood of new competitors into the research landscape.
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first checkpoint inhibitor anti-CTLA4 to treat melanoma in 2012. Since then, they have become the backbone of the oncology treatment space, displacing chemotherapy for many indications.
The progress has been amazing, especially given the short amount of time these treatments have been in the marketpace.
In the decade since the first approval, FDA has approved seven more PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors; four anti-PD1s; and three anti-PD-L1 monolobal antibodies (mAbs), including the recent加速抗PD1 MAB Dostarlimab的批准, in April 2021.
这些疗法对患者的生活产生了深远的影响,并为开发人员带来了大量的收入来源。平均治疗费用可以超过$ 150,000,而组合疗法可以超过$300,000for some treatment options.
在首次批准后的五年内,检查站抑制剂市场的年收入超过了105.6亿美元。到2025年,预计将到达300亿美元, with a CAGR of more than 20% per year. Much of this growth will come from emerging markets, where demand for innovative cancer treatments is growing.
All of this success is creating a frenzy in the research space, as developers race to bring the next best checkpoint inhibitor, or combination therapy to market. As of December 2021, IQVIA data shows that there are more than 4,897 clinical trials testing anti-PD1/L1 mAbs, 4,062 of which are currently active. This represents a 267% increase in the total number of clinical trials since 2017.
虽然创新对于改善抗PD-1/PD-L1疗法至关重要,但临床试验的数量,新型组合或“ me-too” PD-1/pd-l1s,在这个领域引入了挑战,以寻找患者以前尚未暴露于检查点抑制剂。许多试验正在测试免疫疗法,这些免疫疗法仅对市场上的市场提供标称的改进,因此在临床医生或患者的热情中面临挑战。
The FDA’s top oncologists, Rick Pazdur and Julia Beaver have commented recently on the development landscape with these therapies. “Efforts to corral this enthusiasm should focus on increased international partnerships between sponsors of approved checkpoint inhibitors and those developing novel agents to be used with anti–PD-1 and anti–PD-L1 antibodies rather than developing ‘me too’ drugs,” Beaver and Pazdur wrote in the New England Journal of Medicine in2021年12月。
FDA“现在警告赞助商开发检查点抑制剂,以免为了获得药物批准而进行难治性疾病的患者进行单臂试验,” Pazdur和Beaver写道。
For further discussion of trends in the PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitor space, please see recent publications by IQVIA experts, including this February 2022 article onChallenges and opportunities in the PD1/PDL1 inhibitor clinical trial landscape;这是2020年的作品the rise in combination therapies for PD1/PDL1 inhibitor trials。
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