This report examines the trends in pharmaceutical research and development through the end of 2020. It provides an analysis of initiated clinical trials, including the impact of the pandemic and COVID-19-specific research. Research on clinical development productivity is also presented, as well as profiles of the R&D pipeline, R&D funding trends, and characteristics of new drug approvals and launches.Report Summary
在2020年,Covid-19的大流行在全球范围内升高了生活,但研究和开发活动不仅在很大程度上继续进行 - 尽管受到了干扰 - 他们还导致了已经达到超过6亿人的疫苗的开发。这些前所未有的结果的主要驱动因素在研发各个方面的基准和趋势中可见,从而洞悉了已经进行了其他改进或可能是可能的。
- 早期和晚期研发以及战略交易的资金显着增加在2020年;排名前15家公司的研发花费达到了创纪录的高度。
- 新型活性物质(NAS)的首次发射数量达到了历史最高的高度of 66 in 2020 – with success for treatments in oncology and rare diseases.
- 临床trial starts increased 8% in 2020, similar growth to the prior three years, with oncology trial starts reaching historically high levels.
- 总体而言,从2020年中期开始回收的临床试验活动to levels above 2019 – even without COVID-19 trials.