Global Trends in R&D
Institute Report


This report examines the trends in pharmaceutical research and development through the end of 2020. It provides an analysis of initiated clinical trials, including the impact of the pandemic and COVID-19-specific research. Research on clinical development productivity is also presented, as well as profiles of the R&D pipeline, R&D funding trends, and characteristics of new drug approvals and launches.

Report Summary

在2020年,Covid-19的大流行在全球范围内升高了生活,但研究和开发活动不仅在很大程度上继续进行 - 尽管受到了干扰 - 他们还导致了已经达到超过6亿人的疫苗的开发。这些前所未有的结果的主要驱动因素在研发各个方面的基准和趋势中可见,从而洞悉了已经进行了其他改进或可能是可能的。

  • 早期和晚期研发以及战略交易的资金显着增加在2020年;排名前15家公司的研发花费达到了创纪录的高度。
  • 新型活性物质(NAS)的首次发射数量达到了历史最高的高度of 66 in 2020 – with success for treatments in oncology and rare diseases.
  • 临床trial starts increased 8% in 2020, similar growth to the prior three years, with oncology trial starts reaching historically high levels.
  • 总体而言,从2020年中期开始回收的临床试验活动to levels above 2019 – even without COVID-19 trials.

Key Findings


按2010 - 2020阶段按临床试验的总数

  • 尽管COVID-19大流行的社会破坏很大,但2020年的总体临床试验活动增长了8%,连续第四年增加了7%。
  • During the course of 2020, monthly trial starts fell significantly in the first quarter but recovered from mid-year to higher levels than in 2019 even without the COVID-19 trials.
  • 尽管开始试验的意图继续以相对较小的干扰继续进行,但试验的操作(包括招募患者和完成研究)可能会有所不同,并且应谨慎解释这些趋势。

The composite Clinical Development Productivity Index rose in 2020 after having declined since 2015

  • 在过去的十年中,大多数疾病领域的临床发展生产率一直在下降 - 成功率,临床试验复杂性和试验持续时间的综合度量,这构成了实现临床的挑战。,以及研究重点转移到更困难的领域,例如肿瘤学和罕见疾病。
  • The increase in the clinical trial productivity index in 2020 was mostly due to an improvement in Phase III trials, widening the gap with Phase I trials, which score significantly lower with this index.
  • 第二阶段试验一直高于总体指数,因为成功率一直在上升并且持续时间一直在下降,即使在II期的复杂性也在增加,因为端点数量的增加,资格标准是这些试验的属性。
  • 生产率仍低于历史水平,因为成功率低于长期平均水平,而试验的复杂性属性通常会增加,许多疾病的试验持续时间也在增加。

Exhibit 36: Number of Drugs Over Time and Country Share of Early-Stage Pipeline Based on Company Headquarter Location 2005-2020


  • The U.S. share of global early-stage R&D has remained relatively stable over the past 15 years.
  • 在过去的五年中,欧洲的份额从33%下降到22%,而活动计划的绝对数量下降了175,从1,604下降到1,429。
  • 产品from China-headquartered companies now represent 12% of the early-stage pipeline, up from 2% a decade ago.

Exhibit 47: Companies Originating and Filing FDA Regulatory Submissions for NASs and Percent of Launches by NAS Launch Year

Emerging biopharma companies originated and launched 40% of all new drugs in 2020, reflecting greater independence in development activities

  • 用于创新药物的传统开发和发射模型主要依赖于大型或中型公司,这些公司经常与起源于该药物的较小公司合作或收购。
  • 近年来,这种传统模式在过去三年中发生了很大的变化,其中40%以上是由新兴的生物制药公司(销售额低于5亿美元,每年不到2亿美元的研发支出)发起和推出的。
图表42:美国种族/族裔群体代表性不足的比例和2015 - 2020年族裔群体中包括的受试者的中位数(%)
  • 非洲裔美国人或种族被确定为黑人占13.4%的美国人口,而用于批准新药物的临床试验在过去六年中仅参与中位数仅3%,并且从2015年起代表性不足的79%到2020年。
  • Persons of Asian descent are estimated to comprise 6.5% of the U.S. population, but only in 2015 was the median above this threshold, and 52% of trials in the past six years that were used by the FDA to approve medicines had under-representative participation.
  • 西班牙裔或拉丁裔种族估计占美国人口的16%,尽管患者可能并不总是识别出自己,但中位参与试验的中位数却小于该水平的一半。
  • 对批准试验的种族/民族数据的解释和美国人口的代表性对前U.S的作用变得复杂。受试者经常在全球执行的试验中发挥作用。

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