Innovation in Diabetes Care Technology: The User Experience
Institute Report
Dec 30, 2020

About the Report

Throughout the eras of diabetes care, there has been a trend to advance care tools, approaches, and measures to aid people with diabetes (PwD) and healthcare professionals in their efforts to optimally manage the disease. This is because effective daily management of diabetes has important implications for PwD health outcomes and the healthcare system and poses a significant care burden for insulin using PwD. Uptake of digital medicine products that offer to improve disease burden is increasing, but these are still not widely adopted in diabetes care. Maximizing the value that can be derived from these new digital tools requires an improved understanding of their impact on quality of life and day-to-day experiences for PwD. Such factors are crucial in supporting PwD initiation, optimization, and sustained use of digital medicine products.


Recent advances in the diabetes care paradigm have brought us into a new era of care. Among these are digital medicine products, including continuous glucose monitors, connected insulin pens, and advanced hybrid closed-loop insulin pumps, as well as the monitoring of diabetes outcome metrics such as HbA1c and, increasingly, time-in-range (TIR, which can be defined as the percentage of time a PwD spends in their glucose target range). However, despite these advances, significant care gaps persist and demonstrate a need for improvement in blood glucose management.




The PwD journey toward benefitting from diabetes digital medicine products includes three main phases — initiation, optimization, and sustained use.
  • 当PWD探索使用数字医学产品的想法时,正式的启动时期就开始了,并且正式地,当PWD访问并首次开始使用数字药品时。此阶段还包括PWD升级到新的数字医学产品,并在停顿后更新了先前的数字医学产品。该阶段通常持续约30天,其特征是PWD适应了数字医学产品的“新颖性”并习惯了它。
  • The next phase is optimization, in which the PwD increasingly achieves familiarity with their digital medicine product and begins to customize and integrate the digital medicine product into their lifestyle. The PwD may include seeking advice and input from the clinical care team and/or PwD community on how best to use the digital medicine product. This phase may last for 30-60 days and can be an ongoing process based on PwD aspirations for the use of the digital medicine product and desired outcomes.
  • 持续使用时期是指PWD习惯使用数字药品的较长时间,并实现了稳定且持续使用选定的数字药品产品。在此阶段,理想情况下,PWD对使用数字医学产品具有常规感和满意感,这使他们能够实现预期的结果。
  • Though presented as a linear construct, movement through these phases may be experienced at varying time intervals, with the occasional need to revisit a phase. Each phase is managed in collaboration with healthcare professionals and other care support. These phases may be repeated throughout the course of a PwD’s experience engaging with digital medicine products, with progression dependent on the PwD’s experience, support, and desired outcomes.

It can be difficult for PwD to navigate the myriad of diabetes management options available to them and their associated opportunities and challenges

  • In the initiation phase, selection of a digital medicine product is informed by the PwD’s care aspirations, lifestyle, HCP guidance, and coverage options provided by the PwD’s insurer. If PwD and HCP choice align with product coverage, commencing to product use is seamless. If there is a coverage barrier, the PwD and HCP must identify alternate options that may not align with elements informing PwD and HCP choice.
  • The optimization phase can present certain challenges, such as acclimating to product capability and early use, as well as managing alarms that inform the user of issues, such as blood glucose trending in a certain direction and a significant increase in data. PwD must also learn how to manage system data access and transfer data to their HCP, all the while developing confidence in the digital health product’s capabilities.
  • After initial use of a digital medicine product, a PwD may also find that the product’s design, capability, and methods for management don’t meet their pre-use perception, and are more or less advanced than anticipated.
  • The sustained use phase is critical by the time the PwD, HCP, and related support services have collaborated to optimize PwD use of the digital medicine product. The PwD is ideally realizing value — leading to health system value — from the digital medicine product and is enabled for sustained use and benefit. Achieving sustained use may also hinge on the PwD’s ability to integrate the chosen product into their routine, versus adjusting their routine and lifestyle to fit the needs of the digital medicine product.


  • Supporting PwD in initiating the use of digital medicine products is essential, as it sets the course for developing value for PwD. Possible opportunities may include empowering PwD to engage in digital medicine product discussions by providing PwD with data or information in the forms of in-person or online training opportunities or by increasing accessibility of information related to clinical effectiveness, interoperability, data privacy, usability, and accessibility. PwD may also benefit from improved access to digital medicine products via the development of user-friendly guidelines or additional product support from payers and manufacturers in the initial 30 days of use.
  • From an optimization perspective, potential solutions may take the form of providing ongoing and tailored support to PwD in using digital medicine products based on their individual use patterns and desired outcomes. There may also be an opportunity to improve the ability of HCPs and PwD to communicate (particularly in the COVID-19 era of largely telehealth or virtual appointments) to share meaningful data “stories” that enable constructive telehealth appointments. In the long term, additional value may be harnessed by increasing overall health system integration and developing products that are easy-to-use for all stakeholders, with all relevant activities reimbursed by the healthcare system.
  • 为了改善糖尿病数字医学产品的持续使用,数字医学产品的设计应集成行为科学 - 助攻以有效支持产品使用。制造商,付款人和政府机构(独立或与学术或研究组织合作)可以开发有关PWD,HCPS和支持服务的行为变化和变更管理的见解,并在广泛部署后可能会改善健康状况,以改善健康状况betway必威怎么提款必威手机APPPWD,HCP和付款人。
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