About the Report
Throughout the eras of diabetes care, there has been a trend to advance care tools, approaches, and measures to aid people with diabetes (PwD) and healthcare professionals in their efforts to optimally manage the disease. This is because effective daily management of diabetes has important implications for PwD health outcomes and the healthcare system and poses a significant care burden for insulin using PwD. Uptake of digital medicine products that offer to improve disease burden is increasing, but these are still not widely adopted in diabetes care. Maximizing the value that can be derived from these new digital tools requires an improved understanding of their impact on quality of life and day-to-day experiences for PwD. Such factors are crucial in supporting PwD initiation, optimization, and sustained use of digital medicine products.报告摘要
Recent advances in the diabetes care paradigm have brought us into a new era of care. Among these are digital medicine products, including continuous glucose monitors, connected insulin pens, and advanced hybrid closed-loop insulin pumps, as well as the monitoring of diabetes outcome metrics such as HbA1c and, increasingly, time-in-range (TIR, which can be defined as the percentage of time a PwD spends in their glucose target range). However, despite these advances, significant care gaps persist and demonstrate a need for improvement in blood glucose management.为了实现糖尿病数字医学产品进步的最大价值,卫生政策和实践也非常需要发展以支持PWD使用这些技术。必威官方在线必威手机APP尽管早期的研究表明,将糖尿病数字药品纳入护理的有希望的结果,但PWD决定启动技术使用,然后优化和维持其使用可能很复杂,因此值得关注。考虑到无数的选择,PWD必须权衡各种决策,以便找到与其生活方式和护理愿望兼容的数字药品。此外,PWD必须愿意通过与付款人,HCPS合作并通过阶段进行支持,以启动,优化和维持使用,将数字医学产品整合到日常工作中。