Jeffrey Spaeder博士,
Lisa Maragakis博士
“We know that there will not be a single magic bullet to turn this outbreak around. But it is truly unprecedented to see the amount of investment by the biopharma industry with production at risk and a number of things being done in parallel even before regulatory approval or in advance of knowing whether the vaccine or treatment will be efficacious and safe.”Jeffrey Spaeder博士
“在完全摆脱大流行并恢复正常生活的角度方面,我认为包括疫苗在内的任何一件事都不会成为这种情况的灵丹妙药。当我们使用疫苗时,它将是工具箱中的工具之一,但需要与感染控制措施和治疗剂一起使用。我也担心,太多的人会感到,一旦我们有了疫苗,我们就可以放下一切并恢复正常。疫苗接种不会一次发生,有些人不会接受。恢复道路上将有残留风险。”Lisa Maragakis博士
Lanhee Chen,
Sherry Glied,
“历史证据掩盖了公共选择仅是我们医疗保险选择的小附录。必威手机APP如果您查看Medicare历史记录,您会发现国会屈服于压力,并提高了提供商的报销率。Medicare B部分被设计为自我维持,但是在通过后的一年之内,国会开始通过立法,以保护受益人免受真正的成本。公共选择可能是一个非常受欢迎的计划,国会将面临巨大的压力,以抵消一些受益人的成本。我们估计,多10-30年的政治风格的流行公共选择将为联邦赤字增加8000亿美元,并导致税收的大幅增加或大量支出削减,并成为仅次于Medicare和社会保障的第三大联邦支出计划。”Lanhee Chen,博士
“确实,国会有时会提高提供商的报销率,而其他时候他们也削减了税率。归根结底,我们知道医疗保险付款远低于商业保险费率。我无法想象国会在向公共选择方面向提供者的付款将与私人保险公司进行谈判一样慷慨。同时,我不知道实际上有多少人会参加公共选择 - 这取决于拜登运动尚未提供的设计细节。”Sherry Glied, Ph.D.
Professor Dr. Wolfgang Rathmann
“德国最初的感染浪潮击中了年轻人,这些年轻人在狂欢节庆祝活动和滑雪假期中被感染。与意大利北部相比,这是不同的,那里的第一波感染主要袭击了老年人口。德国的锁定相对较早。德国的ICU床比其他欧洲国家更高。该国还拥有大量的测试实验室网络,这使得德国能够在大流行中每周提供高达500,000次测试的测试能力。最后,在德国,有一个大型的,分散的初级保健从业人员(约30,000个)。他们拥有自己的实践,积极活跃,没有等待国家专家和政治当局来指示如何应对大流行。”Wolfgang Rathmann博士
“与常见疾病相比,对罕见疾病的误诊往往更常见,因为人们经过培训可以寻找常见的东西,而不是罕见的。因此,对于常见疾病而言,误诊较不典型。但是,您可以训练算法以在几乎所有人群中获取模式。在常见疾病和罕见疾病中,数据可能有所不同。该方法可能是相似的,但是您要投入的培训模型的基本数据可能略有不同。例如,对于常见的心血管疾病,可以从可穿戴设备中进食。例如,与编码罕见疾病相比,掌握了您的心率的手表可能没有太多去医院就诊。因此,该技术是相同的,但是潜在的数据不同。”Allan Lawrie, Ph.D.
"In this session, Adler-Milstein is asked about the reasons for the yawning gaps between the capabilities of technologies to generate patient-health data and increase patient access to care and the willingness of providers and payers to step up and look at how these technologies can improve patient outcomes and reduce their costs: “The reasons are multifaceted, but one of the key reasons is about control. I don’t think providers and payers believe their ability to change patient behavior is strong. This is still a very hard nut to crack as behavior change is difficult to implement at scale – even with today’s technologies. It is why the focus of providers and payers in risk-based models is more on internal organizational changes before turning to the patient. There is no killer app, or anything close.”朱莉娅·阿德勒·米尔斯坦(Julia Adler-Milstein)博士
“Working with person-generated data presents challenges that are very different from the way IQVIA normally works with patient data in our registries and trials. We usually recruit through clinical sites, not through social media-type outreach to identify participants. And here we are going directly to people to invite them in. This is a volunteer, patient-centered approach, different from how we recruit and evaluate participants in the work we typically do with our pharmaceutical clients. But the big benefit is that this is near real-time. Most real world registries that IQVIA works with don’t have that timely access to the curated data.”Matthew Reynolds, Ph.D.
“使用AI/ML的创新速度促使AI/ML是否会取代医生。答案是否定的,至少在可预见的将来。与普遍的信念相反,医生没有抵抗ML。如果ML减轻非常简单和重复的任务的负担,例如阅读视网膜扫描,那么眼科医生会很高兴,因为它使他们能够执行更多的程序并赚更多的钱。这也是促进ML的诺言时要谨慎的原因,这将降低成本。”Isaac Kohane博士
“The emergency department visit, like any clinical visit, is just a snapshot in time. One of the things I love about emergency medicine is that we do have a chance to get to know the whole patient even in that short period of time. In our research work, it is critical that we identify both the structural determinants that brought patients there in the first place, and the barriers to their getting better after they leave. So (with patient consent), we do baseline assessments, we do self-report surveys, we look at social media and electronic health records at the time of enrollment, and then we track our patients longitudinally. We are just about to start a new study where we enroll adolescents in the emergency department and follow them for six months, looking at social media data, daily self-reports of mood, loneliness and violence exposure as well as medical data to try to develop better interventions. So there is an opportunity for getting people involved in longitudinal digital data collection even in the snapshot of the acute care setting.”梅根·兰尼(Megan Ranney)博士
“一些实践已雇用自己的药剂师来帮助他们。在其他领域,一组药剂师正在帮助全科医生进行药物管理。药剂师告诉我们,拥有像Smash这样的工具确实很有帮助,因为它可以使他们的反馈取消人格化。药剂师现在可以指向仪表板,并说患者面临危险的处方,而不是在全科医生之间创造出他们做错事的看法,因此可以产生大量的回压。因此,药剂师认为护理记录帮助他们与GPS建立了更好的关系。我们发现的另一件事是,全科医生倾向于非常有竞争力,并且在实践之间共享数据被证明是推动危险处方的有效工具。”Richard Williams
“我们意识到这一挑战。一种方法是确保我们在每个国家都有良好的智能,以支持对数据的解释。此外,我们在苏格兰正在处理的一件事是将处方数据与初级保健处方的数据以及其他来源结合起来,以便我们拥有全面的患者药物暴露旅程。因此,从系统的角度来看,我们的挑战较少,因为我们从患者的角度来看。这是我们超越前进国家之间结构上的差异的方式之一。”马里恩·本尼(Marion Bennie)
Murray Aitken,
卡莱布·亚历山大(Caleb Alexander),
MD, MS Professor, Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Drug Safety and Effectiveness
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