莎拉·里克伍德(Sarah Rickwood)

betway必威怎么提款IQVIA Biotech UK会议2019年的见解

在资金,创新,政策和商业化方面,英国及以后的生物技术状况是什么?欧洲思想领导人的莎拉·里克伍德(Sarah Rickwood)于11月7日在IQVIA Biotech会议上主持了一个小组,在金融家,政策制定者,生物技术企业家和科学家参加的一次会议上。本文总结了从所有参与者的洞察力的一天中的一些关键主题,对“国家状态”提供了独特的见解,不仅是英国生物技术,而且还提供了超越。betway必威怎么提款

当天开始讨论有关驱动整个创新引擎的资金的讨论,投资银行家和投资者来自Jeffries International的投资银行家Gil Bar-Nahum,Innovate UK的Catrin Dilloway和来自Polar Capital的Dan Mahony在Martin Turner的演讲之后进行了一次圆桌会议of the UK’s BioIndustry Association. The focus of discussion was on what makes investors invest. All panellists agreed that scientific innovation alone, however, novel and strong, was insufficient to attract investors. Start-ups need a realistic and clear business plan that addresses the eventual commercial realities likely for the eventual product, including the payer perspective and market access environment. Founders of start-ups, often experts steeped in the basic research, will have much to learn about the realities of the commercial and real-world environment in which their ideas will bear fruit. They may have to take the tough decision to stand aside for a business-focused CEO as their company transitions to launch preparation mode. They will certainly need to take on board external advice and support as their product becomes a commercial reality.

创新正在支持开发新的改善健康方法的发展。必威手机APP如今,生物技术的一个关键主题是,创新不仅在分子中 - 在数据中构建以帮助确定未满足的需求,定义患者人群,速度试验和评估产品。英国是一个全球热点,用于大规模开发稳健,质量和链接的患者数据的活动。下一届会议提供了有关在基因组,更广泛的医疗保健系统和betway必威怎么提款癌症特异性领域中构建这些数据的倡议的见解。必威手机APP伊克维亚(Iqvia)在我们的E360平台上进行了主要战略合作的基因组学的威尔·斯普纳(Will Spooner)为选择遗传支持的目标或指示提供了案例,这有可能使临床开发成功率加倍。Interest in the clinical applications of genomics data has grown rapidly among big Pharma, for example GSK’s partnership with the private genomics firm 23andMe, but it is also possible for Biotechs to work with one of the world’s largest and highest quality genomics database, the over 100,000 genomes collected by Genomics England. This database possesses breadth (115,000+ genomes sequenced so far), depth, as these are full genomes that are sequenced rather than the snippets (SNPs in genomics terms) collected by genotyping databases, and, crucially, linkage, to other elements of patient data such as health records and pathology data as well as prescribing data in the near future, which provide the context that is vital for true insights and medical breakthroughs. Will looked forward to the next UK target of 5 million fully sequenced genomes analyses, which will usher in a step change in the utility of genomics to clinical research and development.

英国的生命科学工业战略计划还激发了美国国家健康数据科学研究所,英国健康数据研究所的创建。必威手机APP本·戈登(Ben Gordon)概述了自2018年4月以来现存的这个新组织将如何运作,并将创建一个世界领先的健康数据基础架构,该基础架构在生成宝贵的健康数据的众多孤岛中加入了点。必威手机APP

这样做的一种方法是通过英国的七个健康数据研究中心,侧重于特定疾病领域或特定学科,例如现实世界的证必威手机APP据。iqvia’s Yosh Cook and Dr Charlie Davie, the DATA-CAN hub Director, outlined how the hub focused around Cancer will work, and IQVIA’s role as one of the hub’s partners to deliver the vision to enable access to high quality data on cancer available for research, improved care delivery and clinical study.

第三届会议证明了一场艰难的人,因为它提供了最必要和最具挑战性的患者和付款人的声音。在医疗保健行业会议上听取患者和患者倡导者的声音,脑癌倡导网络Braintrust的Helen Bulbeck博士始终是一种非常有价值的经验,为患有脑癌患者的生活提供了强大的窗口。必威手机APP她说明了为什么患者应在创新的市场之旅中开始而不是终点,并为患者参与成功提供有关DOS和DOS的务实建议。

IQVIA的证据基础和全球对英国背景的看法为下一次会议提供了一个很好的起点 - 友好但强大的思想和观点交流了IQVIA的Angela McFarlane和NHS England England的商业药品主管Blake Dark之间对创新药品的吸收和资助。Angela laid out the challenges and opportunities of the UK market for pharma, highlighting the great work that’s been done to keep the funding and uptake of innovation at the forefront of the medicines agenda, as well as outlining the areas where much work still needs to be done. Blake was unfortunately constrained in his remarks by the strictures of election purdah, but even with these constraints gave a fascinating and sympathetic insight into the way in which NHS England thinks when making access and funding decisions – invaluable intelligence for Biotech companies starting their journey to market access understanding and success.

最后,生物技术之旅进入了商业化。伊克维亚(Iqvia)的莎拉·里克伍德(Sarah Rickwood)为为什么生物技术公司从来没有更好的时机将自己的创新商业化了 - 迅速的听众发现,他们压倒性地同意了她的同意。伊克维亚(Iqvia)的安迪·波特(Andy Pollpeter)对国际看法进行了国际观点,讨论了美国所有人最大的生物技术奖的挑战:美国市场。

细胞和基因疗法弹射器的迈克尔·贝内特博士(Michael Bennett)博士以细胞和基因治疗公司面临的制造挑战的概述结束了我们的演讲,以及建立制造设施以及制造和开发专业知识的合并方法如何至关重要。精致的疗法,商品成本是主要考虑因素,以及与制药公司以前面临的任何挑战不同的创建和交付疗法的物流。

Iain McGill, the CEO of Quell Therapeutics provided knowledgeable compering and summary of each session throughout the day, and the audience provided a stream of relevant and engaging questions, as well as extremely positive feedback on the event, specifically praising IQVIA’s outreach and relevance to smaller start up and biotech organisations.


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