“ Glocalizing”您的商业预测
Rick Johnston博士,IQVIA咨询服务高级软件解决方案校长
Alex Tataru, Manager, Consulting

Thirty years ago, the pharma industry derived most of its revenues from North America and Europe. But over the past 15 years, rising demand for innovative therapies in emerging markets has shifted the landscape. From 2005-2015 most big pharma companies saw Asia Pacific and emerging markets expand to comprise at least 25% of their total revenues

This has complicated forecasting efforts, since data access and data quality are often lower in emerging markets. And assumptions that are true for America and Europe just don’t resonate in many areas of the world. For example, an IQVIA report from March 2017 looked at the impact of digital communication on uptake in every market. The study found 94% of Japan’s specialist physicians felt their preferred amount of digital communication was being achieved, however, this figure was just 50% in the US and 17% in the UK.ii

The average global-level forecast is not able to manage this type and scale of variance by market. Doing it requires global-local collaboration as well as technology platforms that explicitly adapt big picture trends for local needs.



Country-level forecasts bring more nuanced perspective from local experts. These regional affiliates are ‘on the ground’ and often have a better sense of what’s really happening in their market. But getting this regional affiliate perspective has been difficult. Global team members may find themselves making calls and sending emails, or shepherding country affiliates through a cumbersome ‘forecast submission’ process. Alternatively, local affiliates may find that their view of the market does not align well with the global standard – perhaps it is too simplistic or too complex. As a result, some build ‘shadow copies’ of commercial forecasts that have inputs and assumptions that reflect their own needs. These ‘shadow’ forecasts may never be seen by global groups, meaning valuable insights may be lost and teams are not aligned on actual goals.


The future: Glocal Forecasting platforms

“Glocal” forecasting platforms are an emerging trend in pharma forecasting. This new type of forecasting technology offers collaborative platforms that allow flexible frameworks and real-time access to the same information and insights.



When selecting a platform to support ‘glocal’ forecasting, pharma companies should look for a solution that can:

  • Be able to integrate company and real-world data很容易地进入预测
  • 使用简单的用户界面预测专家和通才都可以舒适地使用预测周期。
  • 允许多个用户(全局和本地)update forecasts in parallel and in real-time
  • Support various commercial forecast models对于不同的产品,适应症和市场
  • Maintain a common forecast frameworkwhile allowing customization where needed – preferably able to handle both pipeline and inline products
  • Include analytics and output capabilitiessuch as what-if scenarios, market event modeling, uncertainty analysis and visual output dashboards


要了解有关Glocal预测的更多信息,请查看我们的网络广播:Make Your Commercial Forecasting “Glocal” – Best Practices for Integrating Local and Global Market Forecastsor contactforeasthorizo​​n@iqvia.com


iiIQVIA: Channel preference versus promotional reality: The core challenge of multichannel marketing

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