Institute Report


The future level of global spending on medicines has implications for healthcare systems and policymakers across developed and emerging economies, and these issues are even more important in light of the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic. Stakeholders share common goals of improving health outcomes while controlling costs and expanding access to medicines, however these tasks have been made more challenging by uncertainties brought on by the pandemic. Past spending growth typically offers some clues on expected future growth and, broadly, that will still be true despite the unprecedented dynamics at play. This report examines trends in medicine spending along with factors influencing growth, including patent expiries, launches of new medicines, and changes in demand and use, particularly in pharmerging and lower income countries.


The global medicine market — using invoice price levels — is expected to grow at 3–6% CAGR through 2025, reaching about $1.6 trillion in total market size in 2025. This excludes spending on COVID-19 vaccines, where total cumulative spending through 2025 is projected to be $157 billion. In this report, we quantify the impact of dynamics influencing growth in the use of medicines and examine current levels of spending and use in 2020, globally, and for specific therapy areas and countries.


In pharmerging countries, dramatic increases in healthcare access were the largest driver of changes in the use of medicines historically, but the trend is slowing and will result in volume declines across many markets. Growth in the region will be led by China, which is expected to accelerate, post-COVID, driven by greater uptake and use of new original medicines.



Exhibit 9: Comparison of Current Outlook to Pre-COVID-19 Outlook

  • 虽然Covid-192020和2021年的Covid-19的短期影响很大,但对增长趋势的长期影响更加柔和。
  • 包括估计来自COVID-19疫苗的支出增长较高的估计以及由于大流行而导致的现有处理的较低支出,预计五年的复合年增长率将为4.6%,而如果没有发生大流行,则为4.5%。
  • COVID-19将促使药物使用的一系列变化,对新疫苗和治疗剂的需求以及对现有疗法和患者行为的需求转移的需求。


图表10:2010 - 2025年对医学的历史和预计使用,定义了每日剂量(DDD)数十亿美元

  • 在过去的十年中,由于药物市场的访问扩张,全球药物的使用一直在增长。
  • Lower-income countries have dramatically lower access to medicine. Access has been declining for the past five years and is projected to continue, potentially putting prior health improvements at risk.


图表17:全球医学市场规模和增长2010-2025,Cons US $亿美元

  • 全球医学支出 - 预计到2025年之前从制造商那里购买药品的金额预计将达到1.6万亿美元,每年以3-6%的速度增加。
  • Developed countries — those with upper middle or high incomes — are expected to grow from 2–5% through 2025, similar by comparison to the past five years.
  • 其中,美国市场以净价为基础,预计在未来5年内将增长0-3%的复合年增长率,比过去5年的3%的复合年增长率下降,而折扣和回扣则可以增长。估计比2020年的发票水平低31%,预计在2025年的发票水平低36%。

Most therapy areas are forecast to grow more slowly over the next 5 years, with the exception of vaccines


  • 免疫学,肿瘤学和神经病学代表了未来五年增长的最大贡献者,主要是由于持续的新药物流动而被排他性损失所抵消。
  • 预计到2025年,全球两个领先的全球疗法领域(肿瘤学和免疫学)预计将增长9-12%的复合年增长率,这是由于新疗法和药物使用的大幅增长而取得的。
  • 肿瘤学预计将在五年内增加100种新的治疗方法,从而增加超过1000亿美元的支出,达到2025年总计超过2600亿美元。
  • 预计神经病学将看到许多新疗法,包括新型偏头痛疗法,稀有神经系统疾病的潜在疗法以及对阿尔茨海默氏症和帕金森氏症的疗法的潜力。
  • Overall growth in neurology is not significantly lower than in diabetes but the former has much lower discounts and rebates and the forecast embeds significant upside uncertainty related to Alzheimer’s therapies.

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