White Paper
Seizing the Potential of Outsourcing

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长期以来,外包的力量和潜力一直被认为是业务增长的核心推动力。然而,尽管制药行业一直在这一领域取得进步,但仍有一些方法可以实现全部潜力。仅在过去的十年中,该行业才开始在下游商业功能中使用外包 - 该领域有望获得最大的好处。

However, it is not too late to embrace commercial outsourcing across functions and throughout the product lifecycle. The rewards are significant. Most notably, the opportunity to realize cost-efficiencies combined with the ability to rapidly scale and tap into immediate external knowledge

To assess the current and future direction of commercial outsourcing in this sector, IQVIA, in partnership with pharmaphorum, conducted both quantitative and qualitative research with pharmaceutical industry leaders to provide benchmarks for current levels of outsourcing and unique insights into its future direction.

结果表明,该行业在采用外包方面是高度多样的,并且没有用于商业运营的“ Onemize All”模型。将内部资源和外部资源混合在一起,将长期共享知识与更流动的短期劳动力相结合的灵活模型已成为制药行业的最佳解决方案。

