As the former FDA chief, Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach, said of the biopharma industry, “We were trained to play golf. The game has switched to basketball.” Now more than ever, industry players must team up with other healthcare stakeholders if they want to improve system performance and optimize patient outcomes. Biopharma companies who do will be amply rewarded for their innovation and contribution to healthcare system value and outcomes.
After years of slow increases, growth in healthcare spending is accelerating. In December 2015, the CMS reported that U.S. healthcare spending had reached $3 trillion in 2014, a 5.3% rise on 2013. Forecasts suggest average spending growth of 5.8% per year between 2014 and 2024. This growth reflects the Affordable Care Act’s coverage expansions, faster economic growth, and population aging. The health share of U.S. gross domestic product is projected to rise from 17.4 percent in 2013 to 19.6 percent in 2024.
医院正在感到压力,因为州政策制定者,保险公司和医疗保健技术公司(例如Castlight Health设置了数据库和机制),使雇主和患者必威手机APP可以比较价格。尽管与住院和医师服务相比,负责总体医疗保健费用比例少,但处方药支出是由于其相对定价透明度而成为关注的重点。必威手机APP高价高价的高创业专业产品将继续引起特别的关注,例如最近关于吉利德的Sovaldi定价的国会听证会。一项研究表明,癌症疗法并不像以前那样具有成本效益,但是问题仍然存在:我们如何公平地评估这些新突破药的总体生存和利益风险概况的显着改善?