We’ve seen a rapid shift to digital engagement of HCPs in the last year as pharmaceutical companies, like most industries, adapted their strategies in the wake of COVID-19. As the situation matures, it is evident that a blanket approach, while simple, is not as effective with some sectors of your audience as others. Furthermore, digital engagement is only one part of your overall customer journey, especially when you aspire to create an omni-channel experience.
The heart of these interactions ought to be HCPs and他们的经验。制药公司有时会忽视这一概念 - 将他们想说的话和说一次。迷失在这种匆忙中是对HCP想要学习的知识,何时以及他们想要消费的意识。
Evolving your Commercial Engagement Model
从广义上讲,我们可以将企业的宣传和交流(数字或非数字)纳入两种方法:pushstrategies where you proactively deliver messages to your audience andpull策略,HCP与您联系以获取信息。
An effective engagement campaign uses a combination of both push and pull channels to build connected experiences. In today’s world where healthcare is accelerating its way to a digital-first future, we are seeing an increasing focus on pull channels to balance the approach to engagement. Both strategies should place HCPs at the center of all engagements.
知道HCP的互动方式,即他们的首选渠道,将帮助您建立联系的体验。我的同事们商业的Effectiveness Solutionsanalyzed HCP general preferences on how they want to be engaged in combination with other key HCP characteristics. This resulted in the development of engagement personas which broadly captures preferences under five archetypes.
The profile of the engagement persona will allow you to build engagement strategies that includes the right balance between push and pull channels for each group.
Incorporating HCP engagement personas in your multi-channel outreach is an essential part of your ‘best practice’ toolkit. To achieve a true multi-channel push engagement, I recommend starting with your segmented targets, layer in HCP engagement personas, and align with your marketing calendar.
As mentioned above, it is finding the right balance between push and pull approaches for each audience that is key. In other words, orchestrating the components of the engagement plan. The experience for your client should be seamless and continue to move them ahead in their journey with you.
Create a holistic experience that’s almost as good as F2F interactions
在超连接的数字参与时代,请记住HCP如何体验您的互动。HCP是像您和我一样的人 - 经历了电子邮件疲劳和收件箱混乱。创造精选的“白手套”体验是您竞选成功的关键。
This is an exciting time for pharma marketers. HCPs are accelerating their digital engagement with pharma companies. Now is a great opportunity to build a holistic experience that’s almost as good as face-to-face interactions.