2021年10月14日,FDA的数字健康卓越中心(DHCOE)举行了公必威手机APP共研讨会,讲述了人工智能/支持机器学习设备的透明度。The workshop followed the recently published list of nearly 350 AI/ML-enabled medical devices that have received regulatory approval since 1997. The workshop was aimed at moving forward the objectives of FDA’s DHCoE to “empower stakeholders to advance healthcare by fostering responsible and high-quality digital health innovation.” The DHCoE was established in 2020 within FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) under the leadership of Bakul Patel.
- Data (used to train and test the algorithm).
- “预期使用”定义和过程调整的重要性。
- 算法背后的逻辑并产生了结论(“解释性”)。
- 避免偏见(数据生成中的性别,种族和年龄多样性的整合)。
- Communication of potential adverse events.
- 成本/报销。
The workshop incorporated perspectives from the agency itself, industry, healthcare providers/systems and patients, and attracted nearly 4,000 registrants. Diverse opinions and presentations highlighted the complexity and challenge associated with risk management and the development of a suitable approval process for devices incorporating self-learning algorithms.
Current status and assessment of AI/ML-enabled medical devices
FDArecognizes “the need for careful oversight to ensure the benefits of these advanced technologies outweigh the risks to patients,” while collaborating with stakeholders and building “partnerships to accelerate digital health advances.” FDA references four key considerations underlying these advancements: usability, trust, equity and accountability — themes that were raised consistently throughout the workshop by various stakeholders.
可用性: Recommendations were made that guidelines and approval processes need to be adjusted based on the intended use case of the enabled device. Reimbursement for associated data analysis of such devices also remains a key factor influencing usability with HCPs, along with out-of-pocket cost considerations for patients.
Regulatory considerations: the logic behind the algorithms’ decision-making, understanding the data used to train and test, metrics behind the development, among others.
Provider considerations:验证性能(安全性和功效数据),可解释的逻辑等。
患者的考虑: transparency about adverse effects, benefits, minimized complexity but explainable logic, among others.
- 继续与FDA密切合作,以了解监管批准要求和流程的开发方面的考虑和进步。监视数字健康软件预先认证(PER-CERT)计划的输出和发现;必威手机APP在可能的情况下参与。
- Prepare for stronger demands on generating post-launch, in-market evidence of device performance. Build a process to make real world evidence (RWE) data collection and analysis core components of your ecosystem, supporting development and performance monitoring.
- Include diverse patient groups in clinical trials to produce “unbiased” data sets. Make trial participation accessible for low-income patient populations and minorities.
- Understand the importance of building trust with the provider and patient. Turn these requirements into actions driving development, data analysis and messaging.
- 认识到HCP在与患者建立和传达该设备的信任方面所扮演的角色的重要性。支持和教育过程至关重要;建立关系将再次变得重要。
To access real world evidence and data, develop an RWE-based strategy, including post-launch performance monitoring, development and applications of AI/ML-driven data analysis and patient trial execution, contact us at IQVIA MedTech.