Exhibit 1: Key benefits of remote-engagement compared to face-face discussion according to HCPs (Source: IQVIA eDetail Follow-up Research, 2016-17)
They gave us several reasons (see Exhibit 1), but two key themes emerge:
如果我们专注于消费者健康的关键渠道 - 药房 - 我们会发现药剂师与OTC公司的互动必威手机APP方式已经发生了根本性的改变,他们最建议的类别也是如此。
Pharmacists are currently reluctant to interact face-to-face with sales representatives, meaning OTC companies have to engage with them remotely, such as through e-detailing, which is most favoured, phone detailing, and in some countries, e-meetings (China) and email (USA)**. Despite alternative promotional tools, there has been a net decline in overall promotional activity in a number of countries.
In terms of what pharmacists are advising consumers to buy, recommendations for vitamins, analgesics, and upper respiratory tract infection remedies have all increased dramatically and, moreover, pharmacists are generally more interested then other healthcare professionals in patient education training.
Shape the future of consumer health.
Covid-19 & Consumer Health: Navigating the new reality will provide you with some context and areas to consider as your business reacts to the COVID-19 outbreak and the new reality it is shaping.
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