Alistair Grenfell是欧洲,中东,非洲和南亚的总裁,伊克维亚是人类数据科学公司™,该公司是在五分之一和IMS Health合并之后创建的。b必威必威手机APP在这个职位上,他负责在英国,北欧,法国,西班牙,葡萄牙和土耳其,德国和奥地利,瑞士和以色列,意大利和希腊,东欧,俄罗斯和非洲,中东和非洲,中东和南亚,负责在英国的运营。
Previously, Alistair served as the company’s president, North Europe, Middle East, Africa and South Asia from May 2015 to December 2019. Prior to that role, he was president, North Europe and Africa, from December 2011 to April 2015. He served from 2010 to 2011 as general manager for Belgium, Netherlands, Nordics and Baltics, and before that led the IMS Health sales function in EMEA for three years. Since joining IMS Health in 1996, Alistair has held sales, client services and business management roles spanning Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
Alistair拥有Anglia University的商业经济学荣誉和硕士学位,并拥有学士学位。伦敦大学城市经济与竞争政策。