艾莉森·伯克(Alison Bourke)

一段时间以来,现实世界中的数据(RWD)一直是医学研究的金矿。现在,通过整合带临床的RWDand biological information, and taking advantage of data infrastructure and advanced analytics, it is possible to gain new insights into the safety, efficacy and quality of care. These data aren't just valuable to the pharmaceutical industry; academic and public policy experts are increasingly using Real World Evidence (RWE) to address public health issues, and to directly inform public policies and treatment guidelines with far-reaching impact.


The day-long forum featured presentations from leading academics, industry professionals and government experts speaking on a range of topics, including the impact of RWE on drug pricing and solving public health challenges, and how RWD is used in health economics, and to improve the safety and effectiveness of drugs in the market. Many of the presentations included examples of studies that are changing medical care and treatment guidelines.


A compelling presentation came from Dr. Megan Noe at the University of Pennsylvania, who conducted research into the links between psoriasis severity and risk of mortality. Physicians know psoriasis is associated with higher rates of other comorbidities, including hypertension, diabetes obesity, and cardiovascular disease. Dr. Noe’s study set-out to determine whether mortality rate is stratified by disease severity.


Protecting children from dangerous drugs

来自疾病控制中心(CDC)的Daniel Budnitz博士分享了他的研究结果,以量化不同药物类型的不良药物事件的频率。使用来自国家电子损伤监视系统(NEISS)的数据,Budnitz能够估算出不良药物事件的发生率,从而导致各种药物类型的急诊室访问,然后使用数据来提出更改建议。在一个示例中,数据表明儿童对特定药物的无监督摄入水平导致了简单的包装变化,这最终使该药物的儿童摄入急诊室就诊的频率降低了65%。


Kimberley Woodcroft, associate scientist at Henry Ford Health System, shared details of her research project exploring how to fill knowledge gaps in medication safety during pregnancy. In the study, Woodcroft’s team developed a claims-based pregnancy algorithm that included exposure to medications and outcomes of pregnancy, which they are subsequently working to validate with QuintilesIMS data assets. Because pregnant women are typically excluded from clinical trials, many questions as to medication safety could potentially be gleaned from administrative claims databases. This research could be an important step in determining medication safety for pregnant women going forward.

Pharmacy closures negatively impact statin adherence

伊利诺伊大学芝加哥药学院的Dima Qato分享了她对老年人封闭和药物遵守的影响的研究。近年来,美国已有成千上万的药房关闭,这会影响获得药物的使用。为了证明这些封闭对依从性的影响,Qato审查了IMS Lifelink(LRX)患者级别的数据,这些数据在12个月的时间内50岁及以上的患者及以上的患者中的他汀类药物使用。结果表明,药学封闭对他汀类药物的依从性具有直接和持续的影响,并且在独立药房中填充处方处方的患者比链条填充的患者的下降幅度更大。

She concluded that efforts to improve adherence should consider the role of pharmacy closures, and suggested that regulations to prevent closures, and/or ensure patients have adequate access to new pharmacies post-closure could mitigate this adherence risk. She is now considering a study into the impact of pharmacy closures on ER visits and hospitalizations.


We hope events like the Research Forum will encourage exploratory research using RWD, and we look forward to working with researchers across industry, academia and government to facilitate and promote this exciting work.


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