Meeting recruiting goals is always an important factor for clinical trials. But even when the most effective recruiting efforts are not balanced with strategies to engage and retain those patients, it will put the trial results at risk. When patients drop out of a trial, it not only creates data gaps, it skews the overall patient population and can lead to biased results.
Patient attrition has always been a challenge in clinical research, but the use of decentralized clinical trials (DCTs) may help sponsors overcome attrition problems. DCTs allow sponsors to create trial experiences that are less burdensome and more equitable to patients with diverse socioeconomic backgrounds and care needs.
When we combine the use of these models with direct feedback from patients about what would make trial participation a meaningful care option, it can bolster retention and greater engagement between patients, investigators and sponsors.
Research shows that some of the most common causes of attrition in clinical research are time related: specifically, the time required to participate in the trial activities and the time it takes for the participant to travel to the research site.
That quickly erodes recruiting and retention goals. One study of attrition in genomic trials found that enrollment and retention rates decrease by 10 percent for every additional30 milespatients have to travel.
患者体验更复杂或者从治疗中的较少益处也可能更倾向于退出试验,这可以将结果引入数据的结果。增加工作,儿童保育和日常活动的竞争需求 - 特别是对处理医疗条件的患者 - 他们可能会认为试验简单地过于繁重。
DCTs can eliminate many of these burdens by building trials around patients needs. When sponsors incorporate e-diaries and e-consent forms, telehealth visits, and home health staff and local labs into the trial experience, it eliminates the need for excessive travel and reduces the time patients have to invest in the process.
几项研究探索改善招聘和保留点的方法,以实现虚拟元素的好处 - 例如电子同意,患者电子日记,聊天支持和远程医疗 - 以满足招聘和保留目标。
One 2018 study comparing recruiting and retention rates in conventional vs. DCT trial models in Europe, found that the DCT arm delivered a300% greater rate of enrollment与传统臂相比(89%Vs 69%)相比,较高的保留率明显较高。“该试点的调查结果,当与文献支持技术一起考虑,例如电子知情同意,电子患者报告的结果(EPROS)和远程医疗,以及在远程进行的试验上发表的信息,表明分散的网站模型是一种功能必威官方在线作者结束了,“今天的临床试验中趋势演变的积累。
And in a review of cardiovascular disease patients participating in a longitudinal study, researchers found that by offering家庭的后续访问to study participants who couldn’t or wouldn’t come to the site, they were able to keep 61 participants (25% of the enrollees) who would have otherwise dropped out. This eliminated the risk of attrition bias in the data, as the participants requiring home-based follow-ups were more likely to have two or more complications than those who came into the site. The data collected through the follow-up visits enabled them to achieve statistical significance the main trial outcome. “Without home follow-up, the complications sustained by these participants would not have been counted in our study results,” the researchers found.
Simply put, DCTs make trial participation easier for participants and give them fewer reasons to drop out, which can result in better, faster, and more consistent data. For sponsors struggling with retention issues, offering patients a way to participate in clinical trials from the comfort of their own homes could offer a powerful solution for the future.