From concept to market
质量,监管,安全和商业合规性是确保药物和设备安全有效的基础,并以道德方式运营。但是,转移Global Regulatorycompliance environment means the impact of these requirements continues to expand, placing an increasing burden on drug and medical device manufacturers. A recent global survey of pharmaceutical CEOs1shows an increase in regulatory scrutiny across many aspects of the business, including sales and marketing practices, government drug price reporting, data privacy management, and clinical operations. Changes in industry regulations are now viewed as one of the top three disruptive business trends faced by pharmaceutical and life sciences organizations, and many pharma leaders view these changes as a threat to their growth.2
Tearing down obstacles
These obstacles typically include:
- Lack of innovative technology and harmonization:While the pharma industry has invested billions in advanced technology, those investments have been slow to trickle down to compliance. Aging and disconnected platforms and lack of automation add time, cost, and poor visibility to the compliance process.
- Difficulty staying abreast of shifting global and local regulations:全球制药和医疗设备公司以及具有全球愿望的较小生物技术公司,需要对全球法规及其如何影响发展过程的专家。按国家和地区划分的监管变化,这可能是一个巨大的资源流失,但对于实现和维持遵守情况至关重要。
- Multiple silos/vendors/manual processes:Many companies lack horizontal integration of compliance tasks. Numerous vendors, disparate platforms, and lack of automation result in duplicative spending, lack of internal cost transparency, and inefficient operations.
- High volumes of unstructured data.整个数据集缺乏合规性使下游报告复杂化,并可能延迟维持合规性所需的实时见解。betway必威怎么提款
Once these obstacles are identified, business leaders can make the case for upgrades and investments. These may include implementation of centralized technology systems with advanced analytics capabilities to manage compliance tasks and capture data in a single data repository; hiring new talent or collaborating with industry partners to ensure all development decisions align with the latest global regulatory trends; and harmonizing delivery of external compliance tasks under a single industry partner who can provide deep domain expertise to increase transparency, avoid overlap, and leverage best practices to more efficiently meet all of the organization’s compliance needs.
Although these transformations take time, they can significantly lower total costs while enhancing regulatory compliance and, in turn, reducing risks for patients, product development, and company reputation.