全球糖尿病率的上升,尤其是在低收入和中等收入国家(“ LMIC”),这对所有卫生系统利益相关者,尤其是患有糖尿病患者需要改善获得优质糖尿病护理的糖尿病患者的巨大健康和经济负担。必威手机APP许多利益相关者认为,胰岛素(以及相关产品)的强大竞争市场的发展是改善患者可负担得起的糖尿病护理的关键要求。然而,对于LMIC中的胰岛素市场动态知之甚少。
This report looks at the competitive landscape for insulin manufacturing in the 32 low- and middle-income countries where IQVIA audited data exist. As in the rest of the world, the three largest companies in this area (Eli Lilly, Novo Nordisk and Sanofi) account for the majority of insulin manufacturing. This report looks at the volume of insulins produced by these companies and others, and the cost to purchasers of those medicines. When other companies beyond these three hold more significant shares of the market, they may offer their insulins at lower costs. This report assesses where competition is effectively present and if there is an expected correlation to costs.
胰岛素生产商/供应商- The majority of global insulin volume is produced by the three largest insulin makers globally: Eli Lilly, Novo Nordisk and Sanofi.
- There is a diverse mix of other insulin manufacturers in the 32 LMICs (low- and middle-income countries) studied, including large biosimilar manufacturers and other manufacturers (often operating in multiple countries) and many different distribution companies marketing insulin in LMICs.
- 在研究的32个市场中,胰岛素供应状况混合在一起:在13个国家中,除最大的三个公司以外的其他公司的数量占31%,而在其他19个LMIC中,这三个最大的最大份额具有显着份额(> 95%)。
- The three largest companies’ share of human insulin volume is low in some large population countries: <20% in Philippines and Mexico, <40% in Malaysia and Russia), <60% in China and Vietnam, and <70% in India and Thailand.
- 这三家公司的市场份额与每天平均胰岛素成本之间没有相关性。
- 与发达市场相比,这32个LMIC的胰岛素每天(以前制造商的价格)较低,但具有较大的变化,胰岛素类似物的价格为0.78-1.73/天,人类胰岛素的成本为0.20-0.63/天。
- In 13 of the 32 markets where other (non-three largest) manufacturers have a significant presence, insulin costs per day average 21–33% lower for human insulin and 2–25% lower for insulin analogs than the larger companies’ costs in the same countries.
- 但是,在32个市场中,有19个最大的市场存在非常强大的市场(95%以上的数量市场份额),即使在没有重大竞争的情况下,每天胰岛素类似物和人类胰岛素成本也通常低于其他LMIC国家来自其他制造商。