Webinar Series: 4 Strategic Areas Driving Commercial Success in Today's Market
September 9 - 30, 2020
In our webinar series, our team of experts share strategies, insights and examples to help you evolve and adapt to today’s dynamic market infrastructure.


9月9日:您的发射准备协调-19(和未来)证明是吗?(AVAILABLE ON DEMAND)

In the first webinar of the series, IQVIA experts discuss how launch leads are thinking differently about launch preparation in a post COVID-19 world.

  • Sarah Rickwood, Vice President, European Marketing and Thought Leadership
  • Brian Lasky, Senior Principal, Commercial Services, Launch Center of Excellence

Sept. 16: COVID-19: The Catalyst for Change in Global Market Access(AVAILABLE ON DEMAND)

In the second webinar of the series, IQVIA experts discuss what global pharma executives can expect to be the lasting impact of COVID-19 on the market access environment and the strategic implications to the pharma industry.

  • Rob Glik, Vice President, Global Head, Pricing and Market Access Solutions, Consulting Services
  • Pumi Ludidi, Senior Principal, Pricing & Market Access Solutions, IQVIA Consulting Services


In the third webinar of the series, IQVIA experts discuss the key trends and best practices enabling pharmaceutical companies to support HCP engagement through digital transformation.

  • Antonio Iervolino,咨询服务校长
  • Peter Stark, Vice President, Omnichannel Marketing

Sept 30th: Evolving Patient Support to Address Patients Needs in Today’s COVID-19 Landscape(AVAILABLE ON DEMAND)

In the fourth and final webinar of the series, IQVIA experts discuss the increased role pharmaceutical companies can play in improving patient support.

  • 咨询服务校长安吉拉·理查森(Angela Richardson)
  • 安德鲁·格雷夫斯(Andrew Graves),产品和战略总监,患者支持和依从性

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