不断扩大的商业模型:IVD商业外包 - Covid -19期间的加速
业务发展高级总监克里斯·查尔默斯(Chris Chalmers) - 合同销售和医疗解决方案
Oct 07, 2020

Today’s world of COVID-19 shows a microcosm of the In Vitro Diagnostics world. With scientific discovery and technologies improving at an ever-increasing rate, the IVD market, specifically the COVID-19 test development space is becoming very crowded. “In March, the FDA issued a policy to allow developers of certain serological tests to begin to market or use their tests once they have performed the appropriate evaluation to determine that their tests are accurate and reliable. These measures were taken to facilitate test capacity ramp-up during the pandemic (Emergency Use Authorization “EUA”). Since the FDA issued the policy, over 70 test developers have notified the agency that they have serological tests available for use. Over 500 tests addressing COVID-19 are available in the market or in development.

Many IVD companies are now looking for outsourced solutions that can quickly yield commercial access, cut through the noise and gain that “first mover” advantage. This requires a built-in infrastructure that can identify high priority customer targets, and also enable feet on the street so they can start to differentiate and gain user experience with their test.


While this model has historically been more accepted and common in the pharmaceutical space, medical device and diagnostics companies are realizing the benefits of exploring and leveraging outsourced commercial sales and marketing capabilities, especially during the pandemic. Solutions have been proven to be more cost effective, flexible, and allow companies to fill their skill gaps without the immediate permanent investment.

Today many companies are finding themselves in discussions about the best way to navigate the COVID-19 commercial landscape; health care providers are not always accepting sales reps, and many hospitals continue to limit non-essential personnel. More and more, IVD companies are exploring how to navigate today’s challenges through outsourced commercial solutions in order to be ready to shift quickly within the changing landscape.


  • Cost Effectiveness- 为市场规模的服务集成服务,销售力量的规模,一致性和定位与合同销售允许降低内部资源和集成定价。
  • 商业有效性– while many companies have launched multiple products, many new companies have limited experience launching into certain markets. Utilizing a commercial solutions partner that has launched hundreds of products and can combine this expertise with relevant data sources, can maximize critical launch activities, and create efficiencies.
  • Flexibility- 随着产品生命周期的减少,通过EUAS的更快监管途径使公司能够快速使用竞争性产品进入类似的市场,公司需要灵活地与收入相匹配。能够迅速上下增加以最大化销售和市场趋势至关重要。合同必须具有灵活性,以增加,减少或转移到多个呼叫点,从而减少人员内部负担,并允许公司专注于战略。
  • 创新技术必威官方在线- 存在机会,可以通过不合格的合作伙伴来访问和利用高级CRM技术和平台,而无需新的内部投资。
  • 技能专业化– Skill gaps can be filled by hiring specific experts that can complement existing teams and members.

Figure 1: Drivers of Commercial Outsourcing


  • “混合”销售代表supported by built-for purpose technology and state-of-the art training.
  • 现场资源补充销售代表
  • 支持信息的敏捷部署
  • Field Employee Relations专业知识。

These solutions help IVD companies address key questions and concerns pertaining to the current商业模型和员工:

  • 当我几乎没有面对面的访问权限时,如何使HCP和实验室保持合规和灵活的方式?我如何为带宽而战?
  • How do I create the right policies to protect public safety and employees while meeting business needs?
  • 我是否需要专业的现场资源来满足Covid-19期间的独特HCP和实验室需求?
  • 随着情况的发展,我该如何决定何时何地重新部署和回调?



图2:外包销售 - 主要好处

在iQVIA等专家团队的支持下,可以在产品批准后立即获得集成解决方案,以避免商业化延误并连接全球舞台上各个地区的商业方法。IQVIA合同销售和医疗解决方案的独特之处在于,我们受到无与伦比的数据,信息和专业知识的驱动。我们的MedTech组织是50多名专家,专注于了解体外诊断市场的所在地;这种专业知识补充并增强了构成IQVIA MEDTECH力量核心的功能专业知识。结合在一起,它们使我们能够确定最宝贵的机会 - 然后利用领先的技术,我们广泛的专业知识和广泛的专有知识来实施高效且具有成本效益的解决方案,这些解决方案为客户提供了最佳的投资回报。IQVIA可以在当前所有CRM平台上建立销售/医疗团队,但也有自己的“为医疗保健” CRM易于集成,并允许“未来证明”技术解决方案,以随着您的发展而发展。必威手机APP

要讨论合同销售领域的趋势,机会和解决方案,请与Chris Chalmers联系chris.chalmers@iqvia.com
