Generate the market-specific evidence you need to go from research to market, overcome regulatory hurdles or support payer approval.
iqviaprovides you with health economic modelling solutions to support market-specific reimbursement, market access and high-impact scientific publications. Beyond data and insights, our local experts can also help you manage health technology assessment bodies around the world. These experts help you shorten timeframes, reduce costs, and lighten operational burdens. IQVIA accelerates your results with
We are constantly updating our solutions by applying innovative data collection techniques to a wide range of sources, cross-linking de-identified data and closing data gaps. Offerings include classic observational, low interventional clinical studies and innovative approaches such as enriched studies. Advanced analytics give you enhanced ability to determine and quantify benefits, risks, and outcomes.
iqviafocuses on generating actionable insights that give our clients validated, representative, relevant results. And we bring a strong track record in EMA-accepted Drug Utilization Studies (DUS) in multiple therapy areas and geographies, and experience in working with the FDA, ENCePP, EUnetHTA , MHRA.
我们的参考书目拥有25年的历史和超过5200个出版物和演讲,可捕捉到现实世界中几乎所有治疗领域的疾病,治疗,结果和成本的见解,并在50多个国家 /地区完成。betway必威怎么提款