The right pediatric program to deliver your medicine sooner.

Providing new treatments for children requires careful planning and expertise – with patient safety at the center of everything you do.

Let expertise be your guide

Successfully navigating the road to developing and delivering pediatric products requires a specialized mix of scientific, therapeutic, regulatory and operational expertise to ensure your pediatric studies are successfully planned and executed.


iqvia's Experience

364 pediatric studies

在2013年至2018年之间在101个国家 /地区进行



  • 制定产品的儿科调查计划(PIP)和/或儿科研究计划(PSP)
  • 通过使用建模,仿真和现实世界数据推荐替代研究设计
  • Navigate complex and unique regulatory requirements for pediatric clinical research
  • 将您连接到专业的儿科研究网站网络
  • Identify, consent/assent and retain pediatric patients and their families throughout your program

Pediatric Center of Excellence

Experts from across IQVIA come together to help you conceptualize and execute your pediatric studies. The group is charged with advising on the conduct of pediatric programs to ensure the right strategy and the right level of oversight, counsel, training and collaboration is applied to your project. Identify the right path to fulfill pediatric safety requirements and deliver a product that meets the unique needs of infants, children and adolescents, from trial environments into their everyday lives.

解决方案you may be interested in
Protocol Design

Assess your protocol against real world evidence using advanced analytics, and reduce the risk of costly amendments.


Richer real world data insights can drive smarter decisions.

Decentralized Trials



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