博客系列:COVID-19期间的付款人覆盖范围变化 - 跟踪如何最大程度地减少对制造商的影响
IQVIA市场访问分析解决方案总监Brian Fallica
Sep 29, 2020

Throughout IQVIA’s webinar series,付款人覆盖范围的变化在COVID-19期间 - 跟踪什么以最大程度地减少对制造商的影响, we provided insights into the scope of possible pandemic-driven patient impacts, as well as considerations for how to track the resulting changes over time.

Additionally, the webinar series underscored the importance of adopting or modifying strategies for managing payer plan switches. Consider the following three scenarios to further understand what types of manufacturer strategies and/or considerations are most appropriate. Keep in mind that individual manufacturers could experience more than one scenario depending on the diversity of their portfolio and the scale of sub-national variations within their markets.

Scenario 1: High rates of switching to a Health Insurance Exchange (HIX)




Scenario 2: High rates of switching to Medicaid


The biggest impact on manufacturers resulting from higher Medicaid volume is on net-price management. In this scenario, Mandated Medicaid rebates and Best Price regulations become increasingly important to a brand’s P&L as Medicaid volume increases. Mature brands may be at penny pricing in this channel, completely eroding the profitability of patients with Medicaid insurance.

As more patients become Medicaid enrollees, we also expect to see the340B Drug Discount Programcontinue to expand as more hospitals qualify for the program. Many manufacturers have invested heavily in 340B tracking and rebate auditing capabilities to prevent double-dipping, but these functions will take on even greater importance as Medicaid volume grows.



The role of discount cards moving forward is something to monitor in this scenario. We have already seen these companies form partnerships with pharmacy benefits managers (PBMs) to enable rebates to be passed through to patients, but it is unclear if this capability will be extended to truly uninsured patients.


One thing is consistent across all three scenarios: major disruption is occurring and will only expand over time. Manufacturers need to be able to consistently track ongoing market trends in as close to real-time as possible, and to also develop the strategic agility to capitalize on transient opportunities.

With the help of IQVIA’s COVID-19 tracking tool, which uses a patient-based tracker approach, manufacturers can do this with ease and accuracy. To learn more, contactBrian Fallica.

该资源是博客系列的第3部分,该系列专门针对COVID-19期间的付款人覆盖范围更改。读第1部分第2部分for additional insights on this topic.

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