Effective patient engagement has the potential to improve treatment adherence, health outcomes, and quality of life. IQVIA can help you develop a targeted, informed communication strategy across each stage of the product lifecycle to give patients the understanding, support, and control they need to realize those benefits.
To make informed decisions, patients need education and support that's clear, memorable and motivating. No easy feat since every patient processes information and learning differently. IQVIA can help you customize instructional programs across multiple modalities; enabling you to engage with each patient in a more collaborative and meaningful way. And with that, foster positive health behavior from recruitment all the way through the product lifecycle.
By implementing a targeted approach, you can help patients
No matter how well conceived your communications, there is always the potential to confuse or create information overload for patients. IQIVA has built relationships with advocacy groups that can help you understand patients and their challenges with a disease. Being able to connect with them can help facilitate introductions between investigative sites and local groups so you can then leverage these insights in the creation of more relevant communication material.
Once your drug is in market, engaged healthcare professionals are an important source of information for patients. At this stage of the product lifecycle, IQVIA can help you create training materials or online resources to help providers communicate more clearly, and give patients information in ways they will both understand and remember.
Successful patient engagement programs depend on a tailored combination of face-to-face interactions and technology – including behaviorally driven mobile health approaches – with oversight from healthcare professionals. These programs need to respond to ongoing changes in disease prevalence, R&D pipelines, the regulatory environment and policymaker agendas. It's a complex communications challenge, and one IQVIA is staffed to help pharmaceutical and biotech companies meet across the product lifecycle.
Adapt your sales strategies and field force to meet the demands precision medicine creates for more precision and deeper information.
Use predictive analytics and machine learning to identify providers most likely to prescribe your brand, and see ways to cut through the noise.
Get in touch today to discover the right solutions for you.
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