Optimizing Oncology Care Through Biomarker Adoption
Institute Report
Sep 09, 2020




An increased understanding of genetic and other molecular alterations in solid tumors — along with the development of targeted biomarker-based treatments for cancers with such alterations — have led to major improvements in patient care, overall survival, and quality of life outcomes. As such, biomarker testing has emerged as an important part of cancer care. However, there are several barriers to oncology biomarker testing for solid tumors including suboptimal tissue procurement and triaging; challenges with continuity of care across institutions; fragmented insurance coverage and inadequate reimbursement of testing; fragmented testing guidelines; and low awareness of actionable biomarkers by stakeholders. These result in operational inefficiencies in biomarker testing, limit awareness of available tests, and disincentivize broad and optimal use of testing. Collaboration across multiple stakeholders will be required to bring about a future with better patient outcomes through more robust diagnostic testing in cancer, and this report profiles potential solutions to help reduce testing barriers.


Optimal adoption of biomarker testing is necessary for cancer patients to reap the benefits of biomarker-based targeted therapies, yet testing rates vary greatly across biomarkers and tumor types.

Variability in Oncology Biomarker Testing Rates
  • 在对黑色素瘤进行首次启动BRAF靶向治疗的短短几个月内,测试了近90%的可能有资格接受转移性黑色素瘤治疗的患者。但是,NSCLC的许多其他生物标志物(例如EGFR和ALK)在第一个相关产品上市后的测试增长速度要慢得多。
  • 虽然生物标志物测试的使用正在上升,但生物标志物测试的缓慢和不均匀的采用可能导致患者未接受最佳治疗,可能导致患者结局减少和生存率降低。
  • 测试率差代表了在正确的时间向合适患者提供正确药物的主要障碍。如果没有足够的生物标志物测试,患者无法完全意识到精密医学革命在肿瘤学上的好处。


Barriers to the Use of Biomarker Tests Throughout the Patient Journey
  • 次优的组织采购和分三位生是肿瘤生物标志物测试的重大临床和技术障碍,医疗保健提供者认为活检材料不足是对测试的关键挑战。必威手机APP
  • 付款人对生物标志物测试的覆盖范围可能是最佳测试的障碍,尤其是考虑到下一代测序(NGS)技术的出现以及通过面板同时对多个生物标志物进行多个生物标志物的同时测试,这两者都可能覆盖不佳。
  • As the oncology treatment landscape becomes more crowded with predictive biomarker-based therapies within overlapping patient populations, fragmented testing guidelines compound challenges in treatment decision-making.

With an ever-growing focus on personalized medicine, changes that address testing barriers and spur a robust uptake of biomarker testing in oncology care can enable a future with better patient outcomes.

  • In order to optimize biomarker testing in oncology, systems need to be in place to guide the efficient extraction, triaging, and handling of tumor tissue to support testing.
  • 付款人的报销政策可能需要发展,以确定何时应代替单一的,有针对性的基因测试进行多基因面板测试,以确保患者不承担高自付费用的负担。
  • 有必要更好地将治疗和生物标志物测试建议同时整合到相同的准则中,以了解测试谁,何时测试,应该测试哪些生物标志物以及如何最好地测试它们。更新指南将需要跨众多专家(包括肿瘤学家和病理学家)等各种专家的输入和协作。

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