How IQVIA supports digital transformation and omnichannel initiatives
Venky Lalapet,高级首席技术,客户参与



在我们的新现实中,生命科学公司发现自己陷入困境。他们需要解决从大部分面对面的销售大通模型到多种订婚模型的根本转变。当他们考虑HCP偏好的动态性质,不同类型的参与度,公司参与程度和其他因素时,这些决定 - 他们需要做的事情,从哪里开始以及如何变得更加艰巨。

When we considerEngaging the 5 HCP Archetypes,例如,数字本地人with an爱好者persona may want a relationship with a company which excludes face-to-face interactions all together. On the other hand, atraditionalistpersona may prefer to meet directly with a rep to obtain brand information but also like digital self serve options. Companies must take into consideration the fluidity of HCP behaviours and preferences as well as new channels like text messaging and chat bots.

那么,生命科学公司如何提供各种参与行为和渠道,同时保持协调,灵活和敏捷,以改变HCP的参与需求?这是制药的大难题- 如何 - 在多模型转换时代推动增长。

3月23日, IQVIA Canada hosted awebinar讨论数字转换用例并提供最佳实践指南。

Challenges life sciences companies are facing

在网络研讨会上,Manoj Hariharan(IQVIA的数字参与负责人)和Mike Ness(Data AD的Omnichannel参与总监)谈到了公司面临试图站起来并执行数字参与模型的挑战。在进行多个协作项目之后,他们证明了正确获得和管理HCP的重要性同意。这是构建量身定制的HCP参与体验的逻辑第一步,并且必须进行。



If omnichannel engagement starts with obtaining consent, who in the organization is responsible? Which part of the organization should be responsible for obtaining and managing consent - sales or marketing or both?

Consents collected through sales teams are generally cumbersome to manage. They are generally implicit consents which are dependent on salespeople’s personal relationships. Identification, organizing and collating implicit consents for deployment can be slow, especially when engagements need to be scaled up. They can only go so far whereas the best practice is to collect explicit enterprise consent.

Although marketing departments can make a big impact in driving growth, when asked if there were concerns about running a Head Office campaign with reps in the field, almost 40% of attendees answered yes. Can this hesitation to engage HCPs directly be attributed to siloed thinking or fear of disrupting the traditional rep to HCP relationship? As HCPs demand more self-service content and digital engagement, marketing and brand teams will have no choice but to provide these new channels. The key is to make sure that the enterprise manages consent, and all HCP touchpoints are coordinated. In this way, each part of the organization (marketing, brand teams, sales, etc.) can leverage the benefits from each other’s activities.

But is the dream of omnichannel limited to large organizations that have the resources and budget? Should different size organizations take different approaches to omnichannel strategies? Manoj and Mike addressed these questions using two use cases.


The firstuse case所讨论的涉及一个大型跨国公司,就像Covid-19开始影响加拿大的商业活动一样,它正在推出新产品。IQVIA和DATA AD帮助部署了一个满足客户需求的多波交流策略。其中包括一个计划,将每个接触点中的一个依恋机制纳入以供将来使用的同意书,并实施平台作为HCP级数据的服务,以与他们的销售人员一起协调数字和非数字活动。

The results of consent capture of ‘A’ Segment HCPs by the end of the 18-month program was an impressive 62%. This is double the capture rate expected by the majority of the webinar attendees when polled.


The second uses case was focused on small and emerging life sciences companies that may have some of the same challenges as the mid to large sized companies but with a few differences. Emerging pharma companies may also lack field force coverage, scalable technology, marketing expertise or resources, and sufficient budget. For this industry sector, the key is taking incremental steps to keep moving forward.

迈克谈论了爬行,步行,跑步从一个开始digital readiness评估。简而言之,该评估包括4个关键领域:

  1. Understanding your current state
  2. 可用的探索技术必威官方在线
  3. 评估企业电子邮件同意渗透
  4. Mapping current and future HCP journeys




另一方面,对于那些缺乏明确策略的人,正确的技术和/或资源,白手套解决方案可能是最佳投资回报。在这种情况下,IQVIA和数据广告从策略到执行都与客户端起作用。例如,这可能是从映射课程开始的,以建立当前和理想的未来状态,包括路线图。路线图将通过参与策略显示一系列事件,并可以利用IQVIA/DATA AD技术和平台,直到它们选择自给自足为止。

We invite you to explore our解决方案to support your omnichannel initiatives. IQVIA can help at every step with the knowledge of what works and what doesn’t.

1Representing 30 different life sciences companies

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