Melissa Easy, Vice President, R&D Solutions, IQVIA Technologies
Jun 25, 2020


FSP providers deliver sponsors on-demand, seasoned resources who can be ramped up or down as a trial progresses and shifts. But the most effective FSP models are about more than just the people. They work in partnership with a sponsor to develop a holistic strategy that helps clinical study teams work faster, smarter and more efficiently.


These technologies don’t eliminate the need for CRAs. But they reduce the friction that often comes with a complicated and time-consuming role. CRAs typically oversee multiple trial sites, collecting and uploading trial data, interfacing with site staff, monitoring risks, and making sure every patient receives the support they need. It’s a high-pressure,高转变job, but challenges and staff transition can be eased through the thoughtful use of technology.




One of the biggest frustrations for sites and sponsors is the investigator payment process. Lack of transparency about when sites are going to be paid, what they are owed, and when they get a payment creates constant cash flow bottlenecks and dissatisfaction among hard-working site staff.



Most importantly, this shared payment portal removes CRAs from the payment conversation, freeing them to focus on the trial oversight activities for which they were hired.


知情同意书(ICF)是任何审判中最重要的文件之一。每次招募患者进行试验时,他们都必须签署广泛的同意书才能参加。然后,如果他们在审判期间或任何时候都需要重新签署这些表格a protocol amendment occurs。协议修正案采用多种形式,可以包括改变治疗的风险/收益概况,研究程序的变化或获得新替代治疗的新发现。

In longer trials, patients may be required to sign dozens of versions of the ICF, making it very difficult for site staff to manage version control. With no transparency into whether patients are up to-date, and which forms are currently relevant, trials can quickly fall out of compliance.

That is huge red flag for auditors. One study conducted by the FDA Bioresearch Monitoring Program found that inconsistently approved/signed/dated consent forms ranked among the top threemost frequently cited findings由2015年至2018年临床审判检查员。



It provides frictionless consent form management, that reduces safety risks, and gives CRAs digital access to the status of these important patient documents. This allows them to manage the paperwork remotely so they can spend more time on-site engaging with staff. And when inspectors audit these sites, they are able to determine instantly whether the forms are up-to-date.




With these resources in a single location, CRAs and site staff can more easily tackle their tasks by aligning them to the most business critical tasks. The result: improved audit transparency; reduced timelines and costs. It also makes it easy for sponsors, CROs and site personnel to monitor trial progress. That leads to a happier and more engaged team.

