- Sampling Plan and AQL
采样计划有助于定义您的样本量或从每批传入材料中检查的物品数量。当您选择一个采样计划时,就像常用的ANSI/ASQ Z1.4一样,您将设置一个基线水平,以供您愿意容忍每个测量特征的缺陷百分比。该百分比可能为0%,这意味着对您最关键的产品特征的100%检查。对于不太关键的特征,您可以选择不同的百分比来测量(通常在2.5-4.0%之间)。
- 跳过批次时间表
A skip lot schedule details how many lots need to be inspected out of the total number of lots that you receive. Just like the sampling plan, your skip lot schedule can vary based on past supplier performance or based on a material’s risk. You may decide to vary the inspection schedule for certain raw materials, while you may have other materials that need no incoming inspection at all.
- Switching Rules
Switching rules are a third component of risk-based incoming inspection. These rules take ongoing inspection results into consideration and tell you how your sample size and skip lot schedule should change as a result. For sampling systems like ANSI/ASQ Z1.4, switching rules govern changes between the following states:
- 普通的- 样本量和要检查的批次数的基线
- 减少– Fewer lots are inspected and fewer samples are taken for each lot. This state is reached based on good results in previous incoming inspections.
- Tightened– More lots are inspected and more samples are taken for each lot. This state is reached based on poor results in previous incoming inspections.
Stick with the Standards
Switching rules are also based on a statistical plan that modifies the inspection schedule while maintaining confidence that incoming quality will remain high. For this reason, you should try and stick with an industry-standard plan rather than creating your own skip lot schedule.
幸运的是,电子检查管理解决方案可以完全自动化基于风险的检查过程。类似的工具SmartSolve®供应商质量管理from IQVIA combine industry-standard sampling systems with your ongoing supplier performance data to notify your team when inspection is needed. You can have all the benefits of risk-based inspection without the administrative and statistical headaches.
SmartSolve® Supplier Management
尽管影响每个设备制造商的供应商运营的业务和监管要求越来越严格,但SmartSolve QMS为合规且成功的供应商质量管理计划不可或缺的流程提供了支持。借助供应商质量模块的生态系统,SmartSolve正在授权组织评估,跟踪,报告和评价供应商,以应对复杂供应链带来的挑战。