然而,最近,人们对Covid-19-19大流行对精神健康障碍患病率的短期和长期影响有很多猜测。必威手机APP例如,至少一项研究衡量了焦虑和抑郁症状的短期增加,作者认为,心理健康症状的增加将持续到冠状病毒疫情之外。2另一方面,另一项研究得出结论,必威手机APPpandemic has not increased symptom severity compared with pre-pandemic levels.3 Data from IQVIA’s Forecast Link appears to confirm that there has been a noticeable impact from the pandemic as evidenced by increased PATDAY growth in 2020 for all the mentioned conditions except ADHD. Indeed, the impact on anxiety seems to be the most striking and potentially supports one of the previously mentioned findings at least in the short term.