Orphan drugs can be expensive for patients and payers. However, there is generally an inverse relationship between the price of these therapies and their volume of use, given that orphan drugs are developed for small patient populations. Although the median annual cost for an orphan drug in 2017 was over $46,800, the median annual cost for the top ten rare disease therapies used by the greatest number of patients was much lower at $1,216. Overall, drug spending in the United States is evolving from an emphasis on high-volume, low-cost drugs for chronic diseases toward drugs with lower volumes but with higher value in terms of patient outcomes.
- The FDA approved 80 new orphan indications in 2017 and 57 just within the first eight months of 2018, the highest numbers annually since the passage of the Orphan Drug Act.
- FDA在2017年开发了429种独特的药物,授予了孤儿的名称。
- 药物制造商继续将注意力集中在针对孤儿适应症的疗法的开发中,而在2017年在美国发射的42种新活性物质(以前未批准为药物产品)的42种活性物质(分子)是孤儿药。
Orphan drugs that are used to treat small populations are often more expensive than orphan drugs used for larger populations
- An inverse relationship exists between the cost per year for a therapy and the number of patients, with more expensive therapies being dispensed to relatively few patients.
- 2017年孤儿药的年中位成本超过每年46,800美元。
- 但是,最多的患者使用的十种孤儿疗法平均每年为9,676美元(中位成本为1,216美元)。
- 特殊份额的医学支出总额已从1997年的11%上升到2017年的43%,而同期使用孤儿药的支出已从4%上升到10%。
- 许多孤儿药是特种产品,87%的孤儿支出属于专业。
- 毒品支出的演变伴随着医疗保健利益相关者引入的节省成本机制,包括:健康计划专业级别,患者共同保险费,使用专业药房和有限的分销网络等,这些层次增加了患者的成本负担必威手机APP。
Although a quarter of all drug spending in the United States is tied to drugs with orphan approvals, only 9.6% of their use is for orphan designated indications
- While the number of approved orphan drugs increased from 364 in 2013 to 487 in 2017, the share of total drug spending tied to orphan indication use increased from 8.1% to 9.6%, up from about 3% in 1993.
- Non-orphan use of these molecules represents 15.3% of overall medicines spending, reflecting that for those molecules with both orphan and non-orphan indications, the non-orphan indications represent much of their use and sales.
- Use of orphan drugs for their approved orphan indications account for approximately $43 billion.