Here are some questions to ask:
- Will your sales professionals feel confident that busy physicians can join the virtual interactions easily, without having to jump through technical hoops just to connect?
- Will HCPs have peace of mind that the virtual sessions are secure and compliant, with their privacy protected?
- Can the application scale to handle dozens or hundreds of sales reps and Medical Science Liaisons (MSLs) conducting remote details at the same time, with no performance loss?
We believe that two crucial factors unique to life sciences organizations evaluating remote engagement applications are convenience and compliance:
When a rep is asking for time with a physician, the software must make the connection process straightforward, with no new app installations or complex setup procedure. We recommend that a remote interaction app offer these features:
- Accessible- 立即启动,在任何设备和浏览器上工作,并在带宽波动和不同防火墙设置的环境中运行。
- 无创- HCP不需要Web应用程序下载或复杂的安装,也没有剩下的应用程序文物。
- 订婚- 启用该工具中的问卷,调查和医学询问表的部署,并请求参与者的许可记录会议。
All life sciences communications, including virtual interactions with HCPs, pose significant risks because this is a heavily regulated industry and information about medications and patients is extremely sensitive. A remote engagement solution should include these capabilities:
- Security– Protect HCPs from potential phishing attacks that could result in the loss of personally identifiable information and ongoing vulnerabilities on the users’ systems.
- Privacy– Communicate adherence to GDPR data standards, share legal disclaimers, ensure access to legal and additional documents.
- 保证内容- 管理员工具保证内容已由MLR审核过程批准,可以清晰,并且可以指定为某些现场代表。
- Pharmacovigilance- 允许参与者捕获对正在讨论的品牌的不良药物事件或风险因素的提及。
IQVIA offers an application enabling virtual customer interactions called OCE Remote Engagement. This application not only meets high standards for compliance and for ease of conducting interactions, it also provides extensive tools for presenting and viewing content, integration with CRM platforms, analytics and reporting, and more. And IQVIA has the services delivery specialists to get OCE Remote Engagement and IQVIA Remote Detailing up and running quickly.
Learn more aboutremote detailing solutions from IQVIA.