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临床Data Analytics Suite Patient Engagement 监管与安全 |
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Data-as-a-Service b必威人类数据科学云 |
iqvia绩效管理and Insights(PM&I)在品牌,推出,营销和现场力量团队中实现更好的决策,以简化从数据到见解的旅程。betway必威怎么提款
精心策划的分析 |
Next Best Recommendations Engine |
iqviaOrchestrated Customer Engagement(OCE) empowers life sciences companies to optimize and personalize the customer experience with real-time intelligence embedded into user workflows so commercial teams can engage HCPs when, where and how they want.
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商业的Compliance Quality |
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iqviaembeds intelligence within end-user workflows to surface insight when and where it’s most effective. We help accelerate the journey from data to action by intelligently connecting the right data, the right insights, and the right technology together to drive smarter decision making.
During the webinar we shared insights into the components of a strong and effective data strategy and how it effects strategic imperatives. Navigating the network of data across a global organization has numerous complexities. With the right guidance, you can ensure the data you acquire aligns with your goals and delivers the insights your business needs.
Innovative life science organizations are leveraging new capabilities to advance healthcare. Learn how in Improving Decision-Making through Connected Intelligence. It is a detailed analysis of the five critical elements required for companies to meet the demands of a transformed business environment by driving better decisions and putting them into action effectively
Get in touch today to discover the right solutions for you.
We are pleased to speak with you during our standard business hours.
+1 866 267 4479