Supporting Precision Oncology
Targeted therapies, immuno-oncology, and predictive biomarker-based medicines
Institute Report
Aug 11, 2020



Report Summary

今年的肿瘤报告研究了针对性和预测性生物标志物疗法的市场趋势。自2015年以来,在美国使用之前需要或推荐生物标志物测试的肿瘤学产品数量几乎翻了一番。该报告还提供了对生物标志物在常规护理和临床试验中的betway必威怎么提款临床应用的见解。具体而言,纳入药物基因组学分析以对患者进行预测反应,安全性或给药的分层的临床试验数量已增加了一倍以上,占2019年的42%的肿瘤学试验。最后,该报告提供了对免疫管道的分析。- 在2019年,从I期到预注册的开发中,以及20多种超过20种组织 - 非静态疗法的开发中发现了700多种免疫肿瘤疗法,并发现了700多种免疫肿瘤疗法。

Key Findings

The number of predictive medicines that require or recommend biomarker testing prior to use has increased steadily in the United States and now represents nearly two-thirds of cancer therapies launched between 2015 and 2019.


  • The cancer treatment landscape in the United States has continued to evolve since 2015, with new medicines targeting 24 different cancer types.
  • 大多数药物是靶向疗法,58%需要或建议在使用前进行生物标志物测试,以挑出哪些患者最有可能根据其肿瘤的分子指纹反应治疗。
  • 美国的癌症患者平均比欧洲患者早五个月更早获得新的癌症疗法。
  • 肿瘤学药物首次在美国首次发射,需要在使用之前进行生物标志物测试,平均九个月后欧洲。

The number of clinical trials incorporating pharmacogenomic analysis to stratify patients for predictive response, safety, or dosing, has more than doubled since 2010 and represents 42% of oncology trials in 2019.

Number and Percentage of Oncology Trials by Biomarker and Immune-oncology Segmentation, 2010-2019

  • 肿瘤学,自2010年以来,具有适应性,伞和篮子试验在内的创新试验设计的试验总数已超过两倍。
  • The utility of novel trial designs supports the clinical development of precision medicines by allowing the testing of multiple agents or investigation of multiple hypotheses within a single trial.
  • 尽管面临一些挑战,但在美国和欧洲某些肿瘤类型的常规护理中使用生物标志物测试的使用量增加了。
  • 精确肿瘤疗法的当前和未来使用将取决于对生物标志物测试的持续摄取。

In 2019, there were over 20 tissue-agnostic therapies in development across 28 unique indications.


  • Immuno-oncology therapies have made up the bulk of clinical trials in oncology and the emerging oncology pipeline over the past five years.
  • 免疫肿瘤学新产品管道非常强大,目前在所有阶段开发了700多种疗法。
  • By 2019, the early stage pipeline has started to shift away from checkpoint inhibitors and towards an increasing number of CAR products.
  • The number of CAR cell therapy trials has grown 38% since 2015, with the success of CAR T-cell therapy in B-cell cancers spurring development into other hematologic malignancies as well as solid tumors.

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