Data Privacy, Consent Collection and Management: A Roadmap Toward Full Compliance
Feline Smeenk,全球合规经理
Mar 28, 2019

Imagine losing the ability to engage with your audience because you don’t have documented consent to communicate. This is a situation that businesses are actually facing in response to global data privacy requirements, such as GDPR and a number of regional laws being enacted around the world.


制定了GDPR来加强欧盟公民的数据隐私权。但是,这对欧盟以外的国家意味着什么?简短的答案是 - 如果您的公司与欧盟客户进行任何形式的业务,那么如果您存储,处理或共享其个人数据,则GDPR将适用。

根据GDPR,同意是合法处理个人数据的法律基础之一。该准则设定了高标准的同意标准,并要求必须自由授予,具体,明智的和明确的。对于组织而言,含义包括 - 他们需要能够存储和管理使用个人数据的同意。这包括允许个人随时访问,修改或撤回同意的能力。

The management of consent introduces complexities for organizations, including how to organize the operational processes for ensuring full compliance in an effective and efficient manner. As Life Sciences companies create and refine their systems for GDPR compliance, it is helpful to have a pragmatic framework to develop processes and improvements. The questions below serve as a useful roadmap on the journey toward full compliance.

Have you successfully identified all sensitive data?数据通常散布在许多系统中,IT应用程序和跨企业的来源。对于大型公司以及通过收购而成长的公司尤其如此。由于欧盟公民可以在一个组织中扮演的不同角色(临床试验参与者,医疗保健专业人员,伙伴,员工,供应商等),因此个人数据不太可能仅限于一个部门或系统。必威手机APP具有更多样化的IT系统的组织不仅应考虑网络应用程序中的数据,还应考虑脱机来源(例如电子表格)。

Are you confident that consent was rigorously and properly obtained?After determining what data is in your possession that falls within the scope of GDPR, you must assess the basis for processing each category of information. If you are relying on consent as the legal basis, you should determine if that consent meets all requirements set forward by GDPR.

数据主体知道您正在存储他们的数据吗?When personal data is collected from the individual a company must provide privacy information at the time the data is obtained. This mandate, often called the right to be informed, covers a key transparency requirement of GDPR. Many organizations have sent privacy policy updates; however, companies must also define triggers and processes for any new contacts with whom the organization has recently engaged.

您是否已记录了同意证明?When consent is the legal basis for data processing, the onus is on the company to demonstrate that the data subject has given consent. Guidelines emphasize that consent should be obtained through electronic methods such as emails or electronic signatures that provide a clear, demonstrable trail. This is of course not the case with oral agreements or consent given by manually signing a paper document, unless they can be electronically ´loaded´ into a platform so they are accessible and modifiable in the future.


In addition to GDPR, companies should monitor data and e- privacy regulations around the globe. In Asia-Pacific, some countries have specific consolidated laws to address data privacy regulations. Examples include the Act on Protection of Personal Information (APPI) in Japan, the Personal Information Protection Act (“PIPA”) in South Korea, as well as the “EIT Law” in Indonesia. Furthermore, the recent passage of the California Consumer Privacy Act highlights the growing global trend towards data privacy protection.



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