Apr 28, 2021



Report Summary

全球医学市场(使用发票价格水平)预计将以3-6%的复合年增长率增长到2025年,达到2025年的总市场规模约为1.6万亿美元。预计为1570亿美元。在本报告中,我们量化了影响药物使用增长的动态影响,并检查2020年,全球以及特定治疗领域和国家 /地区的当前支出和使用水平。



Key Findings

Global market growth rates will return to pre-pandemic projections by 2025 despite year-to-year fluctuations


  • 虽然Covid-192020和2021年的Covid-19的短期影响很大,但对增长趋势的长期影响更加柔和。
  • 包括估计来自COVID-19疫苗的支出增长较高的估计以及由于大流行而导致的现有处理的较低支出,预计五年的复合年增长率将为4.6%,而如果没有发生大流行,则为4.5%。
  • A range of changes in the use of medicines will be prompted by COVID-19, with demand for new vaccines and therapeutics as well as shifts in demand for existing therapies and changes in patient behaviors.

Slowing growth in the use of medicines in pharmerging markets will drive global growth to less than 1% CAGR over the next 5 years

Exhibit 10: Historical and Projected Use of Medicine by Segment, 2010-2025, Defined Daily Doses (DDD) in Billions

  • The global use of medicines has been growing for the past decade, driven by access expansions in pharmerging markets.
  • 低收入国家的获取药物的机会大大降低。在过去的五年中,Access一直在下降,预计将继续进行,可能会使先前的健康改善处于危险之中。必威手机APP

The global medicine market — using invoice price levels — is expected to grow at 3–6% CAGR through 2025, to about $1.6 trillion

图表17:全球医学市场规模和增长2010-2025,Cons US $亿美元

  • 全球医学支出 - 预计到2025年之前从制造商那里购买药品的金额预计将达到1.6万亿美元,每年以3-6%的速度增加。
  • 与过去五年相比,中等收入或高收入的发达国家(中性或高收入的人)预计将从2-5%到2025年增长。
  • Among these, the U.S. market, on a net price basis, is forecast to grow 0–3% CAGR over the next 5 years, down from 3% CAGR for the past 5 years, and off-invoice discounts and rebates result in spending that is estimated at 31% lower than invoice level in 2020 and projected to be 36% lower than invoice level in 2025.


Exhibit 33: Global Historic and Forecast Spending Growth for Top 20 Therapy Areas

  • Immunology, oncology and neurology represent the largest aggregate contributors to growth in the next five years, predominantly from a continued flow of new medicines that will be offset by losses of exclusivity.
  • 预计到2025年,全球两个领先的全球疗法领域(肿瘤学和免疫学)预计将增长9-12%的复合年增长率,这是由于新疗法和药物使用的大幅增长而取得的。
  • 肿瘤学is projected to add 100 new treatments over five years, contributing to an increase in spending of more than $100 billion to a total of more than $260 billion in 2025.
  • Neurology is expected to see many new therapies including novel migraine therapies, potential treatments for rare neurological diseases, and the potential for therapies for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
  • 神经病学的总体增长并不明显低于糖尿病,但前者的折扣和回扣要低得多,预测嵌入了与阿尔茨海默氏症疗法相关的明显上行不确定性。


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